
As a basic decent human, no way was it possible to vote for either of those two.

This entire election was about people being gullible. On both sides of the party line. The voting outcome shows which set of gullible people turned out to vote.

This was genuinely fascinating (and horrifying). Very well done, Felix, thank you.

Thank you for writing this. Unbelievable stuff. Every time someone points out the rat fuckery of silicon valley, the facade crumbles a little more.

Can you cite an example of a leftist who engages in massive online warfare against anyone who doesn’t take 100% of the same positions as they do or a leftist who has vilified Perez for not being 100% pure, however that would be quantified? Or is this like how you said there are leftists who think a $12 minimum wage is

Freddie does good and important work every day.

So you clearly don’t read Glenn Greenwald? Cool.

Sady Doyle is soooooo bad, though. Sooooooooooooooo bad.

This is really good. Thanks, Deadspin, for providing a platform for this kind of piece.

No, this is a list about bad writing. The Intercept is good, despite whatever Howard Dean is screaming into your face.

But, Freddie and Glenn said something mean about Mother, so, you know...

As Hillary hits the dustbin of History can she take Amanda Marcotte with her? Amanda’s stich got old in 08 when she argued that racists attacks on Obama where not racist as log as they came from Hillary. and that by nominating Obama the democrats had failed women...she briefly went full PUMA


You’re listing people who did mostly good work. An honest mistake!

So many promiment media feminists are such a fucking embarrassment. Sady, Amanda, LENA MOTHERFUCKING DUNHAM...someone please come collect these ladies. Give them a feminist theory spin class to teach at the Oberlin YMCA or something. Just get them out of the internet; thanks.

Thank you for including Amanda Marcotte. She’s like an MRA straw man of a feminist brought to life.   

Oh I really really wish you would have mentioned how Sady Doyle went on a long rant to defend Woke Alligator Lady. That was some fun times.

I don’t think you quite understood the tone of this piece! Or are you trying to come up with your own Bizarro List?