
Kid tears his ACL, gets surgery, gets Oxy, takes it, it was wild, like Vicodin x100. Brings it to school, other kids crush it up and snort it (when you could still do that). Best feeling of their lives. Instant desire. They raid their parents’ and grandparents’ medicine cabinets looking for more pills. Find them. And,

This is borderline evil. I hope these other countries learn from our mistakes. Someone needs to bring a class action against these guys (the way they did against big-Tobacco) to hold them accountable for the devastation caused by widespread opiod dependence.

Man, I really thought Josh Marshall’s Kermit campaign was the worst possible tweet when I saw it. Stupid me for underestimating Jeet Heer’s ability to take the unbearably, unredeemably dumb and somehow make it worse.

This election showed me that many democrats/liberals are the same hypocrites as republicans/conservatives. Maybe it’s because when conservatism went with cheapness, misinformation and populism like Fox News, they stopped actually challenging liberals. And so complacency, opinions bubble and self-righteousness

please encourage ALL of your democrat and progressive friends to hold this same stance. Encourage them to continue to talk down to “rural” americans and show them how stupid and ill-informed they are.

doo doo doo doo, just a commenter on a progressive website thirsting for a confrontation with a country that has nukes, doo doo doo nothing matters nothing has ever mattered

God, the myriad ways that the ultra left is trying to overturn a democratic election is pathetic and embarrassing. All it really does is perpetuate every stereotype Republicans have had about anyone who has ever voted Democrat (anti-American, whiners, Commie sympathizers, etc.) Pointless recounts, begging an

Yes, we should absolutely engage in global war because Hillary does not get to be president.

It’s frustrating how the American public puts our elders out to pasture. Why are they considered too old to hold office? If they feel great, are sharp and can bring all that wisdom to their position, then why not? Joe looks like he has the energy and health of a much younger man.

as a former resident of new jersey i feel compelled to highlight cory booker’s complete trashing of the newark public school system in favor of charter schools owned by mark zuckerberg.

booker is the woooooorst.

I think Booker is a shallow opportunist, who talks a good talk. Not really impressed by him at all.

I think some of us on the left are over estimating the effects that racism and misogyny had on the outcome of the election, and underestimating the effects that exhaustion with neoliberal policy had.

I want to gouge my eyes out each time I see a purported liberal claim that Bernie was too much of a POC to win.

What is even the point of the sarcasm now? What do you get out of it?

This is a bad take. Trump was the most beatable candidate the GOP could have produced, and the Clinton folks managed to piss away what should have been a slam dunk.

Please link to a reliable source proving that Sanders “actively disparaged” Planned Parenthood. Thanks.

Let’s ban this comment thread

If you are against being extremely beholden to big banks then you are anti-Cory Booker.
