
Hm, I suppose such people must exist among a population of hundreds of millions, but I think you’ll find a great number of the Bernie Sanders supporters who hated neoliberalism are frequent, harsh critics of Cory Booker (and his efforts with education privatization, in particular), nor at all enthused about Joe Biden

Corey Booker sucks. No idea how anyone even notionally progressive can like him.

Exactly. Booker is in deep with a bunch of jerks. He didn’t do Newark any favors. Just more neoliberal crap.

I’m really sad to see his name keep coming up. Aside from that, he’s way too “business-friendly” for my taste, like even more than people smeared Hillary for being.

Cory Booker is so bad on public education that I would pass.

I’ve had enough neoliberalism. *shruggie emoticon*

His response to this has been absolutely shameful. If the vet groups weren’t showing up this never would have happened. This is a band aid on a spurting artery and it’s only a delaying tactic. Obama knows that this work stoppage will probably be lifted under Trump and they’re “researching alternate routes.” They

Let’s point out that it is CORPORATE infrastructure, rather than PUBLIC infrastructure, which was set back here. And for good reasons, too.

Oh, I know that was a quote (my statement wasn’t necessarily personal). But I’m seeing this sentiment posted in several places in which people are crediting Obama for this and not the actual people who put their bodies on the line. #OurPresident let one woman get her arm blown to shreds, and another get lose her

Please do not credit Obama with indigenous struggle and victory against this pipeline. He did absolutely nothing and has said nothing to help.

“C’mon Donald, I thought you supported free market ideals.”

Replying to your own post is poor form I know, but that was a reductive joke...and as an unabashed Sheed fan I feel compelled to add, for the benefit of those who may not have had Sheed playing in your hometown or for a team you root for, that for all his T’s and other BS on the court, the dude is actually kind of a

How is this still a thing? No seriously how the fuck is this still going on? I find Trump deplorable but he is right about one thing. Our national media sucks.

God I fucking love Sheed.

The fact that Ellison is getting as much negative attention only from both the Democrats and Republican establishment lets me know he’s the perfect person for DNC chair.

Hundreds of thousands of black men participated in and went to the Million Man march. Including most men in my family and extended family. So, I do take offense to the notion that going to an event designed to demonstrate to black boys around the world that there was a community and network of men who looked like

He wants the Dems to be the party of the working class and not the donor class. There’s your answer. From his platform:

Yes, you just described the precice problem with the contemporary left: pro-big business, anti-worker, etc. My point is that this may (hopefully) signal an actual shift on the left AWAY from that mealy-mouthed brand of liberalism and into the realm of pro-union & labor leftism which will completely decimate the

The right loves nothing more than leftist parties full of saloon socialists who are leftist in name only. Have the Democrats taken a look at the leftist-liberal parties here in Europe? The Labour Party in Britain? The Socialists in France? The Social Democrats in Germany? They’ve all rendered themselves obsolete, by

See, the right knows that if we are led by pro-labor hard-lefters we’ll be able to siphon away their base. They’re on the offensive, so we should be too.