
Yes, elevating more elderly centrist millionaires to positions of power within the party was a sure winner in 2016 - the left hated Hillary for the same reasons they hate Nancy Pelosi. The establishment Democrat’s addiction to failure is staggering, and the number of milquetoast while liberals willing to abandon

By the time the Democrats publicized gerrymandering it had already happened. They have no messaging apparatus. You’d be amazed what Republicans are able to accomplish even when they aren’t in power just by plastering the airwaves with their words.

This is the kind of attitude that loses elections, though.

LOL, Clinton had “the best chance”.

“When liberals tried to gain influence in the Democratic Party, the centrists said “get your own party!” Should liberals get their own party, you better believe the centrists will say we’re “stealing votes”.

This theory that the DNC has a candidate and everyone else is an infiltrator just doesn’t work for me. The notion that liberalism is an invasive species in the Democratic Party is also one I disagree with. So then—like now—you’re saying liberals (sure, like Sanders) should “get their own party!”. And then a liberal

Left-libertarianism is good. I didn’t level it at her as any kind of insult. Noam Chomsky is a left-libertarian. People flip out over words these days: The soul of liberalism is about a leftist centralized and cooperative economic structure combined with social freedoms and democratic fiat.

Of course, it must be because I have bad information. There’s no possible reality where Clinton or the DNC could ever be anything other than holy, blameless creatures.

And then making Schumer the sen. minority leader. *pukes*

What did Stein lie about?

It is ABSOLUTELY mind boggling to me how many of the Clinton true believers refuse to give any blame at all to her. It’s the Bernie Bros, it’s the green party, it’s the “idiot” rural people— I read these comment sections over and over again and am I’m just speechless at how basically nothing is laid at the feet of

Seriously, though: how did Sanders cause any of this to happen? Clinton ran a shitty campaign and lost a bunch of states she should have won.

No, because doing so necessarily shifts the party to the right. It makes issues like universal health care and living wages seem far-left, instead of at the modern global center where they truly are. The DNC was labeling simple socially-democratic proposals as “fantastical” and “impossible” for the entire last year.

“Fake news” shouldn’t work on liberals, because liberalism should involve a heavy dose of skepticism and critical thinking. I agree fake news is working on the Democratic Party’s most loyal consumers. But I’d hardly call most of them liberals, at this point.

They’re punishing her for even the smallest perceived mistakes. It’s almost like there’s a double standard...

How much more did Sanders need to say “vote Democrat” for your to have accepted his loyalty to the DNC?

“Stein has already well exceeded the $2.5 million she initially sought to raise, having incrementally increased her goal to its current $7 million. What she plans to do with the excess cash is murky at best....”

What?? All Bernie did was run for president like anyone else can and took it the convention out of respect for his supporters and conceded when he didn’t get the nom. Immediately threw his support to Hilary. Unless you think no one should have ran against Hillary to begin with? Which is absurd!

The Democrats are the reason we have the Donald as the next president of the United States.

Why is everyone still missing the big picture? Trump isn’t the answer the right are saying he is, and the Obama regime has not been as holy as the left claim, nor would Hillary Clinton of been any better.