
Her mother got the family into the cult when she was a kid. Very much at the “you go where your parent tells you” age; she didn’t have a choice about joining. I saw an interview with her and she said that one of the things that scared her most when she began to think about leaving was that her mother would decide to

I took it more as a criticism of rich privelaged celibrities saying it.

I think she was raised in it by her parents from a young age. Not really her choice. Regardless of how much money she has, taking some away from that cult is a public good even if she just sets fire to it on the court house steps.

She may be planning to donate it should she win. That said, you know this is a way to fish for documents and info, right? And who but a rich person could afford to take on CoS? Plus, the fact that she was a semi-successful actress doesn’t mean she wasn’t damaged by this cult.

Scientology blackmails and cons people out of money all the time. I’m glad she’s suing.

She didn’t join, she was raised in the cult. smh

Call her a “has-been” all you want. I’d watch a tv show about an ex-Scientologist who was a garbage man. Oh, wait...working class people can’t afford this “religion”.

Except we do know. The DNC put forth a boring candidate that failed to energize its voter base and shockingly neglected to campaign in major swing states. That’s why we lost.

A handful of computer scientists out of literally hundreds of thousands of computer scientists in the US alone are making this claim, and even they admit it’s not based on any real evidence, just an assumption.

The only “fake news” out there is the main stream media. They are getting called out and are now pushing the “fake news” bullshit. The left is done. This is the last grasps for power by the establishment(left and right). Fuck the fascists. Everyone on this site is still acting as a useful idiot for these guys. Trump

This whole piece just drives home for me that there’s a sizable chunk of the population (both conservatives and progressives) that believes as long as no one says “nigger” there’s no racism.

Welp, nice knowing you Bill. Save me a bunk in the gulag.

Go de Blasio! I especially love this:

Seriously, him saying he would destroy the records before giving them to a deportation task force made me reel. we need more people talking like this.

Even if the Hispanic voting numbers are off, it doesn’t change the end result. A large portion of the electorate decided that the Democratic Party and its candidate were not for them. Trump offered anti-establishmentarian “change” (which you and I both agree is totally bogus and odious). We offered nothing. Hashtags.

Haha, says the person who just compared the “alt-left,” which is not even a real thing to the “alt-right,” which is a term they use to describe themselves. Pray tell, what is this populism that is apparently the same on both the right and left?

Uh, that’s not a definition, that’s a straw man. Define in political terms or give examples.

Would you mind defining “alt-left”?

I like when people say “populism is the danger” since its one step away from “democracy is the danger.” Hard to persuade people to vote for you when you will openly admit you don’t trust them.
