
I’m praying it’s not Booker, he’s got a very thin record beyond being personable on twitter and a slate of scandals around him.

Picking one person to hero-worship right now is the exact opposite of productive. There isn’t going to be one amazing candidate who fixes everything so we may as well leave our options open rather than immediately forming separate camps.

He won over my black ass. I really don’t understand why people think he would have more of problem with minorities than a white woman. Hillary Clinton was just the established name on the ticket in the primaries. Most people, especially with some of the earlier states, voted for Hillary Clinton over Martin O’ Malley,

He did nothing for Newark. But he did manage to use his term there to get some national exposure. I’m so sick of people coming out of nowhere to be mayors of these troubled cities, do nothing, get credit just for showing up, and then fail up to a bigger, more important position.

Booker is centrist and has major Wall Street ties. He’s very much in the vein of Clinton. I think we need Warren if the party is going to get more progressive.

Ugh, I can’t stand Booker. He’s very telegenic, but doesn’t seem to actually get much done.

I honestly found his first point to be more enlightening/enraging. The DNC should have strongly spoken up and put those e-mails into context. Instead, they got rid of DWS, who promptly joined the HRC campaign, which did nothing to stomp out the talks of an anti-Bernie conspiracy.

He handled BLM better than Hillary did. Btw who referred to who as super predators

He spoke to my family, loved ones, and me perfectly fine.

I think people could see how genuine Bernie felt about his stances unlike trump. And definitely unlike Hillary who’s stance was “I’m not him”

You mean the minorities who DIDN’T turn out for Hillary? You know the black vote was way down, right? You take it down the road, right down to that wreckage you see before you of the party and the country. That’s the wreckage you helped create.

Kurt Eichenwald is a titanic Hillary shill that had a hand in pushing HRC over Sanders. He also lied about Wikileaks to HRC’s advantage. He’s a fucking hack.

Neither is Bernie. Wanting free college and wanting to break up the big banks makes him a traditional, FDR liberal. He’s not looking for the government to take over the means of production, so calm down.

It’s always “we weren’t conservative enough” with the Clinton Democrats. Even as the fucking Republican nominee goes to our left on trade and manufacturing, and spending and infrastructure, all things WE should have been advocating. Instead the Democrats are now the party of free trade, shipping manufacturing jobs

Keep telling yourself that, as we bury the once openly liberal (and thriving), now centrist (and very dead) democratic party. Obviously the problem is the democratic party is not right-wing enough.

Eichenwald is a petulant, narcissistic piece of shit.

Did you read the article in question? The fool who wrote it might as well tell teh Democrtatic Party to continue with the status quo so they can lose some more; that’s all that article is good for.

He’s also not actually a socialist.

“Real Democrats” should rename themselves “basically Republicans”

As opposed to the pure-as-the-driven-snow Trump? You gotta be kidding? Clearly the American public don’t give a fuck.