
I guess we disagree, because I supported them 100% and was ashamed at the way the party attempted to silence any dissent.

OK... so we accept that every Trump voter is a racist, mysoginistic moron. where does that get us? and what does it say about the millions of Democratic voters who just didn’t show up? should we make a character judgment on them too or could it be the candidate fronted by their party left them underwhelmed?

I was one of the progressives who didn’t think she was progressive enough. I sucked it up and donated to her campaign. I showed up and voted for her. We should have run Bernie. Don’t blame us.

You are ignoring all available facts if you think that’s the reason Hillary failed. She lost in the areas where the economy was the weakest. You can continue to ignore this and you will continue to be wrong. Basically the entire premise of your comment is just so unbelievably wrong it’s pathetic it has so much

unfriending and blocking people creates echo chambers, and social media echo chambers were at least part of the reason why so many people were caught off-guard by the election. putting your head in the sand is counterproductive. Unfriending those people won’t change their minds or make them go away, it just limits

Newsflash: Jews are white in America. There is a lunatic fringe among whites and blacks that think Jews are the root of all evil, but they hardly make a sizable demo. For the record Clinton is white also, no matter how much libtards and the black establishment wish to pretend otherwise.

Or you know the DNC pushes one candidate in poor states that they already know the name of and of course the supposed super delegates who are suppose to save us from our own poor choices. Sorry Bub but you’re the one who’s full of giberish and clearly uninformed they told us in the Primaries she would lose to Trump

Oh wow, “liberal” Jezebel commentators are to the right of the Washington Post. I am enjoying this immensely. You, along with Trump, are now the lunatic fact-free Right. Congrats. You’ve even developed your own set of conspiracy theories: the Russian secret service rigged the election, together with the pro-Trump

They can’t cope with being responsible for fucking up this election. Hillary was a shit candidate, shoved down our throats, winner of a rigged primary, corrupt as the day is long, and she lost. It’s the “I’m With Her” shitstains arguing against the facts because they can’t face the truth that they created this mess.

You’re well off making $60k a year?

Yes because Hollywood actors, Wall Street Bankers and Sillicon Valley CEOs are poor as f*ck! They all supported Hillary!

I think it’s extremely naive to discount this as a valid reason. Plenty of people from smaller American cities voted for Trump precisely because they felt that two Obama’s administrations did nothing to address their economic difficulties.

Pie in the sky? You’re just regurgitating talking points from a doomed campaign that lied to you non-stop for a year. Give up the ghost.

Except he polled consistently better than Trump by double digits and Hillary polled in a dead heat against him which, oh look, is exactly how it turned out!

Sanders’s perscription doesn’t apply to the core of Republican voters who voted for Trump to take away abortion rights and gay rights and dismantle Obama’s legacy. It doesn’t apply to the majority of Trump’s supporters, and there were many racists who enthusiastically supported him as well.

He was very popular with young minorities. Your argument only applies to the boomer generation. The idea that Sanders supporters were all white was just more propaganda, and now those lies should be retired for good.

“I just don’t believe someone that could be branded as a socialist Jewish person by the opposition was going to carry the midwest states and rural areas Hillary couldn’t”

He spoke about the middle class. >50k sounds middle-ass class to me. And the statement is correct...the middle class has seen consistent errosion. Really since the 1970's. I think this is mostly due to republicans....but it’s true that Clinton did not speak to that base and Trump did.

“There will be years of recriminations in our future. Many Democrats will, as is their habit, conclude that the fault lies with the left wing of the party — that progressive party activists did not sufficiently support the candidate or that leftward attacks weakened Clinton. But that notion hides a simple fact: In an

I mean, it’s a problem in that they lack diversity but it’s also a problem that the last few decades of economic development has turned their region into a fucking hell hole (ie. Applebee’s is what passes for a hot spot, small businesses and well paying jobs are long gone, etc etc).