
I dislike Trump as much as anyone. I’m studying to be an environmental engineer so I’m, frankly, a little dizzy with the horror of it, but... this idea some democrats have that this is some kind of unheard of thing we could not have seen coming needs to end, or this kind of thing will continue to happen. The fact is

Have you been to a depressed rural town recently? Honestly, it can’t get much worse for them. I can’t even blame them for throwing this proverbial brick through the window of the liberal elites. I mean, they’re still racist but I understand why they’re this desperate.

And then you get Pence and move Paul Ryan one step closer to the Presidency. No change.

The Obama coalition stayed home. We were down over 200k votes in WI and MI. So. This is a nightmare of unrivaled proportions. And it wasn’t just brought to you by white supremacists. It was brought to you by the young voters who didn’t show, the POC who didn’t show, all of the ones who didn’t show. Hillary failed to

No, like when Obama decided that American citizens overseas could be denied due process and be unilaterally executed if they were determined to be “threats.” You know, that little speedbump!

Um, all of the listed protests are in states that went to Hillary, so what’s your point?

Really? Because the last I saw, 47% of eligible voters DIDN’T VOTE. Nearly half. And I’m certain a good bit of those who didn’t vote are now just as pissed.

Remember this, as corporatist liberals and republicans decry these “violent protests”.

Look, he invaded Iraq for absolutely nothing, thereby creating the mess that is in part responsible for getting Trump elected. Was clearly not very qualified, and he was clearly a bit of a dumbass. Republicans at the time spend lots of time trying to convince the country that an obvious lack of intelligence was not

This would have been very impressive.

If there’s one thing we should have learned last night, it’s that white males in rural states don’t feel all that privilege you claim. Probably because it’s not there for them

That is why Trump won. This elitist attitude of “you don’t matter”. You’re just as much to blame for Trump winning.

This attitude worked really well during the election. We should totally keep it up and get a two term Trump.

Thank you. While Trump is a piece of human garbage, he’s not the sole cause of this. Hillary and her campaign did her fair share of losing those votes.

It can’t just be about race because even people who voted for Obama voted for Trump.

I think people want to keep making this about race but last night even people who voted for Obama voted for Trump.

How the democrats blew this:

I hope Democratic leaders wake up tomorrow and realize their precious sand castle got kicked down, and maybe things need to change. Their arrogant, centrist bullshit just helped put an inept Cheeto in the white house, and not even American political royalty could stop him.

I can only hope this will finally light a fire under the ass of liberals all over America. If anything, this has essentially shattered the two major parties. The GOP has fucked themselves for good with Trump. And I doubt anything could ever make the establishment/New Democrats take an introspective look at why they

Just goes to show you all how shitty of a Democratic nominee you had. Any other Democratic nominee in history wins this election by a landslide.