
Try harder. Your candidate that you all were so smug about since Day 1 lost to a sexist, racist, xenophobic, rapist, orange clown who has no actually policy ideas other than the fact that they’ll be BIG LEAGUE and TREMENDOUS.

Oh hell yeah! Minimum wage part time McJobs are totally as good as the full time ~$20/hr positions the Midwest used to have! No problems here!

It is hilarious that you Hillbots refuse to believe that she could be blamed for anything. Sorry you guys rammed through one of the most unlikeable candidates in American history.

I am fucking terrified and enraged the democratic party allowed this to happen by anointing a terrible candidate.

Overarching rates don’t matter if you individually feel like things aren’t getting better. You can even have a job and feel like things aren’t getting better if your new job is a step down from the one you lost.

This is an example of the arrogance that is the real reason Hillary lost. “Your priorities aren’t the same as mine so you must be an idiot.”

They bear some blame, but maybe people should have listened when the polls showed Bernie running better against Trump than Clinton did.

If their concern really is the economy and unemployment you can’t address that by telling them to get over it.

This. That’s what people aren’t getting. Trump didn’t win this election, she flat out lost it thinking that she could ride the narrative that if you didn’t vote for her, you were racist. I didn’t vote for Trump because he’s an idiot. But damn, if she didn’t do a solid job of blowing this election. I’m with you. Warren

So glad the dems closed off the system to anoint a candidate who flamed out spectacularly already in 2008.

As I said repeatedly during the primaries, you can quash the populist revolution on the left. But it just gets you a populist revolution on the right.

More like shittiest Democratic presidential candidate ever

Good thing the Dems told that left wing guy who catered to the Rust Belt and other old manufacturing centers to fuck off, huh?

Just stop. Hillary abandoned a huge part of her base who were concerned over economic issues. Tonight they abandoned her. She lost PA/Ohio/Mich/Wisc not over social issues but because they’ve been left behind in this recovery. They were tarred as dumb racist idiots who were voting against their interests when they

Why are you so mad at Johnson voters and not the party that failed to produce a candidate who could beat someone like Trump?

Remember: if Clinton had just told the truth about the incompetence that led to the email issue during the primary, she would have lost and the Democratic Party would have had a competent candidate. Instead, she let the FBI reveal it at the start of the general.

No. That’s who she is. She’s a neoliberal, corporatist war-monger. I’m a woman and a feminist, so you can’t pretend I just don’t want woman. 

Harvard trained doctor being called better be an MIT trained nuclear physicist or something.

Yeah, don’t fall for the act of one carnival barker just because the other carnival barker is so much more loathsome.

I already voted for Clinton over a week ago. For the first time in the nearly 20 years I’ve been voting, I felt bad leaving a polling place, but I voted for her anyway. I never told anyone to vote for Trump, or said Trump was a good alternative to Clinton. I never even mentioned Trump which is what makes your claim of