
Did you sleep through all the Pearl Harbor and Hitler metaphors that people threw out there over the last 15 years? The reality of whether 9/11 is analogous to WWII is inconsequential when the rhetorical response to 9/11 mirrors that of WWII. Her dismissal of a black man’s right to demonstrate is condescending and

I mean he’s just asking that black people stop being executed in the streets so kind of...

Are you friends with homophobes and racists?

When I hear “Political Beliefs” I think, you know, about disagreements about marginal tax rates or foreign policy. Not so much, you know, “should gay people have equal rights?”.

I like how bigots have moved to calling it narcissistic to protest against institutionalized racism.

Well, she’s saying he’s being stupid and arrogant, so she’s saying quite a bit more than what you are ascribing to her.

Yeah, definitely. I can’t remember exactly when it happened, but wasn’t there that one time, maybe 4-5 months ago, when someone was heckling Bill mid-speech about BLM and he responded? I don’t remember what he said and which person was even right in that situation, but he came out looking very aggressive and

This is operating on premises about the electorate that are literally and demonstrably false. While Americans are more likely to describe themselves as “conservative,” polling on the individual policy level shows majority support for a wide range of social democratic policies (breaking up the banks, increasing

I got a little curious about the odds and I found out there have been 1,963 US Senators. 16 of them have gone to become president.

she won based on super delegates she had 609 he had 47. She also lied about her bullshit fund raising and how it was going down ticket. The party was pretty clearly slanted in her favor to ensure she got the nod, which I fully understand. How humiliating for the dems would it be for an independent to join and then

Let’s not make “alt-Left” a thing, please and thank you. We’re bleeding heart libs already, and damn proud of it. We are not the opposite-but-same of those racist fuck bags.

Honestly, the idea that VP is a stepping stone to the presidency seems to have fully disappeared at this point.

Glad you beat me to it. He’s definitely lost his political fastball, or the country moved to an era where we have less appreciation for his “brand” of charm.

Tim Kaine is a replacement-level Democrat.

Tim Kaine is Clinton screaming “FUCK YOU” to the progressive left.

Very few people with any critical thinking skills are counting on Hillary to make the rich pay higher taxes.

Ha! That’s funny. Old Jeb! defending his 92-year-old father who he probably had to sit down and to try to explain that someone — a Kennedy no less! — gleefully put the world on notice using a platform he probably doesn’t understand that he was going to vote for the bad guys!! Ha!!! He probably had to explain that

Yeah, I’m sure Blaine Gabbert was really pissed that he didn’t get to give generic answers to asinine questions immediately after the game...

None that are necessarily leading on this issue, but making it part of their platform, absolutely. I live in a relatively progressive city (we have a socialist on our city council), so I see and hear a lot more of this than maybe in other cities.

Lol. “Who will speak for the insurance companies?”