
Have you heard of Ruby Ridge or Waco?

As far as protests go, I consider it to be a very subtle and respectful one. It’s not like he is dumping tea in the harbor or secretly fomenting revolution against a king...

This may shock you but they celebrated Christmas in Nazi Germany! Seriously, most of the world celebrates International Worker’s Day. Meanwhile the U.S. tried to change it to “Americanization Day” and “Loyalty Day” because they were scared of commies. We barely even talk about labor on our version of Labor Day.

I just said the same. I’m a newly recovering addict. Always good to be reminded that our lives aren’t worth anything!

did Dunham ever actually talk to Beckham? or did she just have both sides of this conversation in her own head..

Just a couple of insanely privileged wealthy women being casually racist

You are both famous for playing a violent sport that attracts many violent men. I am not looking for you to educate me on the flag. The flag has been perverted and abused along with all the armed forces since 9/11. They’re now gods and we can’t have opinions. And dude, your cousin being in the navy has no relevance.

Conservatives: “This country is so PC no one can speak their mind!”

shut the fuck up. that’s his sibling, you asshole

It’s clear to me Reggie Bullock had no issues with his sister. Although Bullock uses the “He” prononun, he also calls her “Mia”. If he wasn’t accepting of her, wouldn’t he have used the pre-trans name?

Transwoman here trying to get in early before there are too many comments on it.

I assume that, for most of Bullock’s life, she was his brother. It's fine if that's how he chooses to remember her.

I’m physically disabled - whenever I see or hear disability being used as a slur, it’s a gut punch. When what you are is considered the biggest insult you can throw at another person and it’s used so regularly so casually, you are made very aware of your position as a second class citizen. I know that a lot of common

Mylan had to jack up the prices, to afford a celebrity spokesperson... for a product that has a monopoly and is the difference between life and death?

So... What you’re saying is, don’t worry about the jacked price, don’t question the industry and pay the price?

Not voting democrat is priviedged! Jesus, try a little less to be a psyop.

Lol. Who is trying to change your vote? If that’s why you engage in conversations on the interent I have something dissapointing to tell you.

What the hell are you talking about? We’re just straight lying now huh? Typical of Hill. None of you are helping your cause. All that’s happened is I’ve gone from “voting for Bernie” to “voting for Jill” to “never registering as a democrat again.”

wow cool your jets, no need to go into full attack mode on this minor candiate. In a democracy, people have a right to run for office, it’s not some egregious sin.

I dont think this is what she was saying at all. She’s trying to point out that the FDA is bought and sold by the prescription drug companies, which is true, which put a premium on needless medication and (yes, as much as it pains me to say it) vaccines. Instead every news organization paints her as an anti-vax