
What’s the harm? If the players don’t like Roger Goodell’s ruling, they can always appeal to Roger Goodell.

Since when did the NFL care about PEDs? They should stick to what they’re best at—suspending guys who’d rather smoke weed than get addicted to opioids.

So, did they spefically wait until Manning retired, or is this a different issue?

It’s not even remotely puzzling. When it comes to Hillary, she is blameless in all things. Her supporters will jump through any hoop, go to any length, engage in the most amazing feats of cognitive dissonance, to avoid acknowledging that she is, perhaps—just maybe—responsible in any way for some of the problems of her

Point to one single person saying that she is more responsible than he is.

We’re still getting up and coming to work at Deadspin next week, my man. Senior Week is just a celebration of the 14 years of independence that are coming to an end.

Speaking of dying, when senior week ends, what happens? I’ll need my Burneko fix somewhere. No disrespect to your colleagues, but you and Magary kill it on here. Does this just disappear? I don’t want to see Hamilton Nolan writing the sequel to the communist manifesto on stolen toilet paper in Grand Central. Tell me

Are you OK with automated red-light camera tickets?

Situational awareness for whom? This was FBI surveillance video they weren’t sharing with police on the ground as far as I can tell. They didn’t have their own major presence on the ground. What’s the benefit?

Perhaps the fact that a protest is not the FBI’s jurisdiction, and we have plenty of good reason to be skeptical of FBI surveillance of political dissent (look up COINTELPRO and basically the entire professional history of J Edgar Hoover).

Keep attacking!

There is nothing unprincipled about claiming that the people who don’t vaccinate their kids do so because they don’t trust the FDA.

Saying that regulators should not be tied to the industries that they regulate is NOT the same thing as discrediting vaccines. At all. We *should* have better separation between industry and regulators. To acknowledge that the existing regulatory conflicts of interest might be tied to unfortunate skepticism of

Wow, liberals in the media really do seem to be particularly worried about Stein and the Green Party this year. We’re reaching Bernie-Bro levels of spin and hit-pieces. Nobody hates the left more than liberals I guess.

Nobody likes Bloomberg. Stop trying to make Bloomberg happen.

You’ve got that in one, brother. My children are fully vaccinated, but I can definitely see where the suspicions come from. Folks who think that yelling at people and trying to coerce them is helpful are terribly, terribly confused.

Here? Probably not.

Plus, who is to say that every dump is now going to be as messy going forward? If the messy way it was executed is the chief complaint, I don’t have much of an issue. The head of Wikileaks has been rotting away indoors for four years. That needs to be taken into account, I think. I usually agree with Gawker

Bingo. It’s amazing how the definition of hero can change depending on who's dirty dealings are exposed.