
Tim Kaine is like that cool dad that ships your job to Vietnam.

I don’t and would need our Abuelo to translate.

You are absolutely full of shit in suggesting that “arrogant white boys” are the only Bernie supporters who don’t like Clinton. And you’re completely suppressing the POC in that group by calling them “white boys”.

Because she’s just another Hollywood second-rate, entitled, deluded & talentless celebrity who thinks her opinion matters. I wish they’d ban all celebrities from political events, regardless of which side of the aisle. Anyone choosing who to vote for based on a celebrity endorsement, should not only lose their right

Because anyone who thinks rigging an election is a bad thing must be a Trump supporter?

These are the kinds of threads and comments that make me really hate reading Jezebel sometimes. I’m not a white male, and I’d be chanting right alongside those people if I were at the convention. I guess the voices of non-white, non-male protesters don’t count. They are literally never acknowledged. It’s been this way

Yes he would have and yes it does.

Any Bernie Bro who saw Mike Pence’s speech and still plans on voting Jill Stein or writing in Bernie is a Goddamn coward.

This is the exact kind of twisted logic that has lead us to being hamstrung by a 2 party system. Congrats on being part of the problem.

Calling them “actual progressives” would probably work fine.

Yeah, if the Republicans win the White House they might nominate Republican justices like Merrick Garland! Oh, wait

So, is your argument that the Left isn’t motivated by Hillary, or that Trump is better at motivating than Hillary? Because if you’re saying that Hillary can’t win without “Bernie Bros,” then maybe you should stop yelling at them and calling them “Bernie Bros.”

I am glad they’re suing the chair of the DNC . Hillary was never able to say no to money ...and power. The DNC picked her early on on everyone “got the memo “ . She is not my candidate because she is weak with Wall street and Israel. She is tough on the poor and argues advances that are a normalcy in many developed

Since the DNC is determined to become Republican lite, and is spending a lot of political capital on reaching out to Republican voters- and just basically told progressives to go hang with their platform- there is no real incentive for vote for a leader of Party that just told them they are not needed.

Animosity and contempt are already here ( see comments above) and those of us who were Democrats ( I let my membership lapse after 20 years) have already borne the brunt of being called children, sexist, or not responsible.

The Democratic party has many more centrists than liberals, even by America’s skewed perception of politics. These centrists own the party, they will remind you very often that they own the party, they will tell you that “if you don’t like our rules, then start your own party” to any attempt to democratize the

I’m blaming our political leaders for not looking out for its citizenry. You’re suggesting the US politicians have no control over US income tax rates? Or the US government has no control over payback options for student loans it funds from its own monies? Or that the US government has no control over incarceration of

DWS should go if for no other reason that she is not successful in getting down ticket democrats elected. We need to reinstitute Howard Dean’s 50 state strategy which was very successful.

Both are being done (lawsuit and supporting the opponent in Florida.) One does not preclude the other.