
Well, it depends on what we say is “fighting for women’s rights,” in my opinion. . . . . If fighting for women’s rights means an excellent voting record w/ regard to equal pay, violence against women, birth control, and legislative protections for Roe v. Wade—then, he’s got an excellent record—and, even within the

Politicians have no business regulating who should receive medical procedures.

There’s plenty of daylight between them. Hillary is against late term abortions.

old white guy and old white women are the same. stop trying to act like hillary is a minority when white women have more in common with white men then they do minorities. but you go to your WWE show, lol and bernie supporters are the “bros”

Of course there is such thing as dumb questions. This was an incredibly dumb, and frankly insulting (for both candidates) question.

Your broken record of “BernME cultists” would make anyone testy. You wouldn’t contonuously lob that at every single person who disagrees with you about Bernie unless you were trying to push their buttons. You like causing a frenzy, obviously.

He’s got a message. He wants to take it to as many people as he can. His message is unique - no one else has been fighting for the working class like he has - and for many years. His campaign is honestly and ethically supported by the people. As long as his funders (the little people) are still voting with their $27

Right, and if the Democratic Party was smart, they’d be hard at work trying to secure these donors/voters as good standing members of the Democratic Party for the next 40+ years.

For real, though, that is an incredibly dumb question.

If that is lackluster I would hate to see what you would call Hillary’s performance... lol.

You do know the purpose of a debate is infotainment right? It’s run by for profit corporations who make bank.

“This ain’t about you, man” = the new “IT’S HER TURNNNNNN”

He has dismantled Hillary in every debate they’ve been in, save for one in which he merely crushed her. If you consider him lackluster, Hillary is going to get absolutely obliterated.

it’s definitely one of those things that make me wonder if he actually has any long-term memory of continuity of self at all. Like, does he remember what he’s said once he’s said it? Or does he just say it and then poof it vanishes forever into the mists of time?

Hilary is the one who renegged on her agreement to debate Sanders tho. Don’t know how you’ve managed to create the spin you have. Tone it down Hillbots, you sound positively deranged and completely separated from reality. And no, I am not a Sanders supporter.

Hillary cancelled on bernie, so he’s debating trump instead. Thats on hillary.

which is sort of odd considering that Sanders is, mathematically, not going to be the Democratic nominee.

...this is all happening because Hillary said she would debate Bernie before the CA primary and then changed her mind. Oh, I’m sorry, I should have said that her position on the debate evolved.

She shouldn't have broke her promise to debate Bernie for the California Primary.

I can’t see a downside. Bernie is a pro, and he’ll dismantle Trump piece by tiny piece. Upside for the Dems, a much more public version of Elizabeth Warren’s Twitter war with El Drumpfo. If, by some longshot, Bernie became the nominee, he’ll have already embarrassed the Donald on a national stage. If the more likely