
I’m going to think of you as a vote for Jill Stein with a smile on my face.

Do you not believe that people have a right to be angry and protest? Because if you don’t you sound sorta like a totalitarian and you should consider voting for Trump.


we’re on the brink of insurrection!

who have gone so far as to post on twitter, of all things.

Clinton stepped aside in 2008 because she was promised SecState and the establishment’s support in 2016. Has Clinton done anything earn Bernie’s support at this point?

Yes, they should just step aside and let destiny take its course.

Agreed. All male Bernie supporters and all berniebros are misogynists. They should be eliminated.

Please, keep calling Bernie supporters misogynists. That's what they are.

Anything that stands between Hillary and her well deserved nomination is by definition, evil.

How exactly is he hurting her and helping Trump?

You are misinformed.

This is going to fail so miserably.

How is that PAC money treating you?

Well this all explains so many of the Gawker comments sections.

Have you seen the comment section over at Gawker. The Clintonistas have been spouting talking points for a couple of months, at least.

calling this a troll war makes it seem like there are two sides. there isn’t. you have people pointing out actual negatives about Hillary’s actions and policies getting attacked by paid trolls claiming any criticism as sexism. this is just paid troll from the clintons...oh and illegal as they are actively coordinating

That’s what they wanted you to think.

Yes, and most of them seem to have found a home on Gawker.

Isn’t “Technically Not Illegal” the Clinton campaign slogan?