
Can’t really get on board with the whole literacy thing when the only reading material allowed in the first place is pro-Castro propaganda, and when journalists have been threatened or jailed for attempting to report unfavorable truths about the Castro regime.

That ending sequence shows again that we need electronic signaling and chipped balls. There’s no possible way he ran into 88's ass, which was behind the first down at the 15, and made the first.


To be fair, this was not Kerr’s first infraction at the school. Last year there was a devestating silent but deadly fart let out in the middle of the crowded locker room that he immediately admitted being responsibility for.

Or its because the “reporters” who cover the game dont actually know enough about the game to ask one of the best coaches in the game a question about the game in the short time they have to ask him questions. Maybe viewership is down because viewers are sick of Smiley, Biff, Dickbreath, UnemployedCoach, Other Biff,

Yes, but by “food” he meant “the hearts and souls of the vanquished.”

I feel the need to make the same comment on all of these stories. Because I think the greater context of this is being lost a little bit in the ridiculousness of these scandals. But I’m going to say it again anyway, because it’s really important. The Warriors blew a 3-1 lead in the NBA Finals last year.

I think they voted for “burn everything down,” which is a simpler way of saying they voted against the establishment.

I wish they wouldn’t show guys crying when they get hurt. It reminds me that these are real people with painful injuries and not just pawns for my fantasy team. Total buzzkill.

Behold, the two softest rich people that currently exist.

Tone-Loc was excellent in Blank Check.

Not too busy, but just didn’t want to:

But this diatribe was totally worth his time.

Came here to say this. Leaving satisfied.

Weren’t you too busy to vote yesterday?

I’d add that anytime they were spoke to, they were called racist, sexist, xenophbic, uneducated bigots. Apparently you shouldn’t alienate one of the biggest voting blocks in the country.

I have a Hot Take coming. Don’t get me wrong, I love Bill Murray and I think he’s a national treasure...