
“Step right up kids! Who wants a ladle of hot soup?”

This man has a nice suit and tie and a ten dollar haircut. You’re trying to tell me he’s sadder than Jim Tomsula?

So you’re to blame.

(I walk on stage at a press conference after another long day at the office)

Now playing

Couldn’t find a metal version though.

I don’t get all the hate. He sounds like a great guy. If a teammate were ever in trouble, I’m sure Richie would be the first to stick his neck out if he had one.

I cried more than enough this week and I’m still crying. Seeing Keith’s face, that’s me since my mom died on Wednesday. And, I’m getting evicted, I don’t care even. I’m done crying.

I don’t understand. Are you directing me to a misspelling of the name I correctly spelled above in the comment you replied to, or just don’t know how to read or spell?

this is just as lazy as the belief system you’re accusing him of having

“Don’t look at me!”

Suppose that you have to drink 6 beers in 63 minutes: 1 in 1, 1 in 2, 1 in 4, 1 in 8, 1 in 16, 1 in 32 - but you can order the time intervals any way you’d like, you could start with the fast ones right away or take your time and then chug after the beer is going down smoother, or mix and match somehow. Which way

This is just a sad and desperate move to add to BillsSpin. Shouldn’t there be some minimal level of entertainment for this set of stories?

For one, I’m glad the little boy is with the relatives. So the mother fights two years for custody and then shoots up in the car. Well, sorry, she does not deserve custody of her child. I know a woman that had sole custody of her son as the father was absent from her life. One day mom decided to get high and then died

Hinkie had classes, but traded them for future classes and a guest speaker opportunity. He’s currently looking to swap the guest speaker slot for Starbucks gift cards and/or wi-fi passwords.

Hey guys, start superstar players and don’t start injured players, rookies, and people you’ve hardly heard of vs. good teams!!!

90% of the people that read deadspin just want to make funny jokes in the comments.