
I think when using the term “boosted” to refer to Kephrii in this instance it has to do with the fact that he “stacks” with other high ranking players. That is, he invites and waits for certain players to go into matchmaking with him rather than just playing the game. Indicating he’s not worried about getting better

A lot of white people say it ironically, which I don’t get. I’ve never had the balls to call them out on it either. I’m usually solely thinking how do I get away from them as quickly and as discreetly as possible at that point.

NBA? The only GM who had any foresight is walking around Silicon Valley asking for book recommendations.

As a Lions fan, Calvin Johnson has been kinda salty this off season.

Lol nah fam.

You have it backwards, sometimes people are bad.

You realize recruits are gonna look at this and say, “wow, I don’t wanna play for this prick.” Right?

Pretty sure Pelinka played with the fab five as well.

Easley is not a “shit hole” or rural for that matter. I don’t know when the last time you’ve been there is but maybe don’t rush to be that guy, when you’ve maybe visited your dad there once. Pickens/dacusville is rural, Barea is a shit hole. Easleys just an average city.

And they have Ken Holland to thank for that.

The consensus opinion at the time was that Henson was the better, flashier athlete and one that can definitely be argued for. I for one at the time thought Brady was holding the offense back and I don’t know that isn’t true. The revisionist history on it is off putting, yes, but I for one as a Michigan fan don’t even

Enjoyed ty.

Dude, Ohio state AND Duke tho. She probably roots for Darth Vader during Star Wars.

You sound like a happy person LOL

“Snopes? hahahaha.”

“Seedy entourage who just want to party,” what’s that got to do with racial undertones? There’s a tv show about this exact premise with a lilly white cast. It’s called Entourage for heavens sakes. Stop looking for racism, there’s too much already.

Warriors or Michigan state?

And decided to kick a field goal down 41-7 in the third quarter inside the ten.

Haha whose that? The same people who raised the statue and wanted their wins back? Fuck off every PSU says the same shit.

Lol you know nothing, quite obviously this is what you want to be true, which is sad.