

Why is the liberal position always deflection? It just makes you sound like a whinny loser. “Oh, ya. Well what about this shitty person that I’m gonna align with your values and bring up out of the blue.”

U sound like u hardly believe yourself

Watch all the commies fall all over themselves to support Fidel. Sad.



Your fanbase is scum and the rest of the country is starting to realize it, literally the Empire whose biggest fan wears lipstick. Just wait til Urban gets the heart problem itch again...

Do you think he would of came back?

This is your disconnect, believing these democratic elite and you have the same end game. You do not. This is why trump was elected, bcuz people didn’t care about his policies or what he said, they cared about what he portrayed, which was daenerys targaryen breaking the wheel and giving power back to the people.

I’m sure there have been others and I am just ignorant to the fact.

I haven’t seen this touched on else where, but do pop culture people start becoming our Presidents more regularly now/? Only other person I can think of is Reagan. I hope this a realization of failed political parties and cronyism and not just the beginning.

Dirk DNP.

Why do you think that?

Is there a shittier product calling itself professional sport than the NBA?

I came.

One positive every one can take away from this is the memes will be dank.

Two years ago someone on this website argued vehemently that Anthony Bennett was better than Derozan. I periodically think about it when I hear bad takes.

Still mocking evangelicals, times they are a changin’ peace out worthless joe.

Everyone’s a victim.

Democrats are too arrogant to see their mistakes, instead blame deplorables rather think critically about themselves.