
All you idiots tying yourself in knots to explain why this didn’t happen, get the fuck over yourselves.

I wish you’d stop referring to Cruz as a cuck, if only to save us from imagining the look on his face.

Game, blouses..

And 700,000 white college kids similtaniously said “why didn’t I think of that?”

You’re controversial, you sassy bitch

Like 7 times? I think Kevin Nash is second.


Oi fuck off bad troll you suck at trolling.

And Julian Weigl is a better prospect than all three.

Edgy bro

And it's basically virtual credits, not actual money from what I gathered? Seems pretty weak..


Pretty obvious they did this just for deadspin, and it was fucking stupid.

Idk who sweat pant kid was but Drew Magary was definitely zip off cargo guy.

#TeamnotDanielle... get cucked gawker.

Because he's a zone corner who can't man up on the top 50 WRs in the league, same reason Carolina let him go.

When you gray out your “unverified” commenters under the guise of gore porn protection, you have very little slack on transperancy issues. It’s not a coincidence all the glowing comments are the ones at the top.

Kind of similar to the way you censor you’re reader ship throughout your platforms via the grays system.

It was actually Doug baldwins but thanks for telling us who you hoped it was.

Who will win the premier league and why?