
I broke my arm when I was 13. When they took off the cast, my tendons had healed a little too tight. I found out that I could throw a baseball incredibly fast. I got signed to a major league team and did really well closing out games. I eventually reinjured my arm later in the season and had to retire. But I’ll always

I think the Mets fan is in fact joking around himself. We have now entered the infinite feedback loop of jokes and possibly not getting jokes and commenting about not getting jokes that were possibly just jokes themselves, or as I like to call it: Peak Deadspin.

“I’m against protesting, but I don’t know how to show it.”

This is a good comment. I approve of the comment and the commenter. I will store the comment in my otherpeoplesjokes.txt file. Assuming I properly back up my .txt files, I will retrieve the comment and re-use it at an appropriate time after I am comfortable contemporary readers will have forgotten its previous context

And Michigan leads the series 58-47-6, so...?

Death penalty for killing an animal seems entirely reasonable. Great comment.

The report claimed that the team released him in November because of “a combination of issues,” including “signs of mental instability.”

Good thing that social media doesn’t decide innocence or guilt. RATIONAL people are upset because he didn’t get a fair trial.

For those unaware of the context of the Chewbacca mask...

is that guy texting while playing the tambourine???

I had the exact same experience when I switched to an adhd drug that wasn’t the usual adderall. Like the exact same. Missing shoes wandering around Boston asking people to help in a dream state. Confused out of my mind, thinking I was in a completely different city, like 6 hours are completely missing. I think I

So official ruling, then?

One of those behaviors is legal.

Sign, is best sign.