
Sorry, the blame lies with you on this one. I mean really, making fun of a grown man with braces without atleast mentioning the fact? Tony is right, not professional.

Lol that ball tho

Greg Howard is one of those writers you know who it is without reading the byline.

I’ll give you Lloris, Eriksen wouldn’t start for Everton. He’s not better than Barkley, he is a solid player but not world class. Barkley isn’t world class yet, but very well could be. I’d take him over Eriksen presently disregarding potential anyhow.

Tottenham are good now? On paper, at what position are they better than Everton? Not anywhere in the back, vaguely midfield if at all, up top is also debateable. Evertons got some players man, not world beaters but not even comparable to Spurs? Baines, coleman, mccarthy, barkley, lukaku. What tottenham player is even

You r salty and wierd

What about addiction to driving fast and killing you’re best friend? Troll.

Its a sub blog of deadspin, like fittish, screamer, adequate man, etc. In theory, it should be about sports. Look at the majority of the other videos on screengrabber, they are mostly sports clips.

Which is a sub blog of deadspin of primarily sports clips.

Less and less sports on this website everyday. Its becoming gawker lite.

The rock is braylon edwards?

Sexual intimidation and a false sense of reality

Yes. Imagine how salty those mou tears are.

Reminds me of flying over west mexico.

Evan is a terrible name

All those things you listed are things that should be thought about before sex, you’re acting as if pregnancy has no predetermination. Sure, women can choose if thats right for them, but why is it done retroactively? Why is that acceptable?

Fair enough, I’m male and realize my limited scope does not overlap with pregnancy. I don’t know if I could handle a child right now in my relationship and definitely couldn’t by myself. My point is there is a disconnect from individual responsibility at play here, far more common in men then in women, who are far to

You’ve got some fucked up ways of justifying yourself. You were a fetus once, you now are a sentient being with all the organs you could ever list. Trying to compare the two is asinine, one becomes a human being the other does not. Use some better logic.

When tumors and infections turn into babies, your point will be made. Did no one tell you what happens when you have sexual intercourse? Is there more to the story?? Don’t answer if its uncomfortable, I’m just trying to find the disassociation between before and after you’ve gotten pregnant about how it happens.

To me its about being a responsible person, and if you choose to have sex, you should be able to live with the consequence, man or woman. Otherwise, you are admitting that you aren’t capable of living with your own choices, you did something you knew was going to have an intended outcome, and now you decide you don’t