
Damn Arsene Wanker was right there, too.


“They like it firm in Japan” - Henry Stimson to Harry Truman, 1945

Nice try bro, Giants won the World Series.

This is bad and wrong. Stick to the day time circuit, glory boy.

How does that work with the city name strewn across the top? I was under the assumption that name placement, general design, color variance etc. had to be approved and uniform league wide? Or have they always just looked the same because of unorigninality??

The best part: He starts laughing before he completed the swing. He's so self aware, its awesome.

That's kind of why its fun to be an Arsenal fan, the options are outrageous. They don't so much need to get rid of Happy Jack as much as they don't need him. I'd be happy with an upgrade at the holding CM, but I'd much rather and upgrade at Striker/CB and get a world class player. Gabriel was a impulsive stop gap and

Oh ok. You must be a Chip Kelley guy

Maybe don’t get drunk the night before your getting paid approx $15000 to perform athletically is not slightly irresponsible?? I would think if not common sense there would be some sort of science to back that up, like alcohol dehydrating you.

After joining Lebron and the Cavaliers, Perkins has gained some self confidence. He even adopted a signature move, the “Crab Walk.”

What the actual fuck.

Right? I think people draw false causation that religious institutions are inherently evil when people are inherently evil. They are run like political parties and when they are bastardized to that effect they lose their validity. My problem isn't with D'Souza's political leanings, its that he has one foot in the

Not good vs evil, Bad vs Evil. Bad vs. Evil, Eminem and Royce Da 5’9. Royce Da 5’9 mentions Pacquiao in the song “Lighters”. Pacquiao will win in his 5th different weight class in the 9th round and move back down.

Me thinks Leverkusen them of being hooligans.

What was Marilyn Mansfield like? How did she smell?

Well, actually you were technically right. He identifies as non-denominational Christian but was raised Catholic and does not shy away from that.

No, because history does. The official religion of the Soviet Union was atheism, meaning if you were caught disseminating any sort of religion you were subject to punishment by death or life in internment camp. When Bolsheviks first took power one of first things they did was round up church/synagogue leaders and put

I take it back, read where he said in 2010 that he is a non-denominational Christian, but does not renounce his Catholic upbringing. He should, for the sake of consistency.

Catholicism doesn't equal Christianity, and I don't think D'Souza is a Catholic so I don't see what there is to worry about. Catholic means "universal" and is literally the amalgamation of a number of (mostly Roman) pre-Christian practices and the Christian ethos. Christian just means you believe Jesus Christ to be