
Stalin didn't kill people in the name of Atheism? That is monumentally untrue.

But did he bang Marilyn Mansfield?

"nothing he can take credit for, but I know how people like to apend blame where none exists, so there."




"Dirk, I'm fouling you this way."

What do you mean by tough?

I especially like the one where he told people not to listen to music while working out, because you should be listening to your sweat drops hit the floor.

But does the sandwich come with a defibrillator?

What I don’t get is, people should be able to look how they want to look and feel comfortable. This whole “appropriating” black culture, that’s not right. If a person feels comfortable putting bronzer on their skin or wishing they were darker, so be it. They aren’t doing it in a mocking way (like a minstrel show) I

They really fucked up Bruce Jenner's skin fold.

Hate the game, not the player.

"Congratulations to the person sitting in seat 12 row 2, you just won free Coke for a lifetime."

It sounds like something somebody came up with while high,

Seriously though, fuck this guy.

just realized your name is birdsex. you win gg

read mine (its actually good)

your friends are sand bagging you.

Drapes... that title though 0.o