
He looks like the kid whose mom just told him he's not getting up from dinner until he finishes every last one of his green beans.

Thanks for reminding me, gotta go read PFT commenter now.

The real question is where do Patriots recievers come from


Georgia has 3-4 running backs who would start almost anywhere in the country. none of them being this guy.

buried the lede smdh ... WWE!

Not me, I live just outside of Clemson lots of wiley dad bros around these parts.

SHAQ CALHOUN. Plus, Purdue's uniforms remind me of laser tag.

I only have two thoughts when I see rugby:

Thanks, all good =]

Agreed. I mean, did you see what brady did to them last week?

Guzan-stunning Americanese

smh, you didn't even handstand his point.

Its never Yao's height that I'm suprised with when he takes pictures with people, its how wide he is. Dudes like twice as wide as SHAQ for goodness sakes.

[watches video]

These victims were beaten like animals.

This is cool and good.

Domino Ranchers-Cromagnon may be the best thing I've ever read.

entertainment or seizure? Thin line

Always good to see Darth Saban eat it.