
That was a great game

Easy now, I just met you.

"No sir, I didn't ask how many people have you tried to kill tonight..."

+all da gold

just unnecessary

Nah man, gotta call you out sorry. Thats deffinetly India. You can see the Taj Mahal in the background and the sign clearly says "bollywood." Case closed.

whoa buddy, kinda personal.

Ya see, calling her a "cunt" really defeats the purpose of the argument. If your gonna chastise someone in such a way, you may wanna refrain from using such aggressive terminology. It completely discredits your point from a moral standard.

The ruling on the field is under further ru-ru

Dear WSJ,

... Uh, correct?

To a certain extent, I agree with RR. Now hear me out, hear me out.

Thats nothing, I saw one make a phone call last night.

Strickland goes to the glove "3-2-1... NASA we have lift-off"

It seems like as though your trying to blame the attorney here, which is completely short sighted. The defense attorney's job is to get an aquittal, by which means the law deems necessary and moral. If you got a problem with the system, than have a problem with the system. Don't blame a lawyer for doing his job.

Tony Washington! .. y el "Rich Rod"

Two points:


Dave Brandon has been incredibly successful as AD at Michigan. He did a great job renovating Crisler Arena, which really needed it, has brought alot of money for athletics, and most importantly, kept donors happy. That is pretty much all his job entitles. The football team is Hokemania's job. He doesn't coach football

Not true, Kim Jong Il did it in '89. Look it up!