People need to get over the idea that rooting for a team is some kind of morality play. All owners are rich douchebags*, most GMs are heartless pricks who would trade their mother for a 5th round draft pick, most coaches are control freak assholes, and most players are guys who have been catered to their entire lives…
I’m looking forward to watching Scherzer pitch in the WS more than I’ve looked forward to anything in baseball in a long time.
Still the best glitch series.
I’ve been drunk af a lot in my life. Never celebrated domestic abuse even once.
How do they expect me to masturbate to this?
This. He was fucking “triggered” by the mere sight of a woman wearing a bracelet denouncing domestic violence and couldn’t resist getting In a dig about It? And the organization?... how fucking hard is it to do the right thing and apologize for bullshit that a bunch of other reporters have now verified happened? Now…
I think if AEW wants to score another major PR win against WWE, they should be working on getting a *good* wrestling game out under their brand.
Someone ought to send the PR genius behind that statement a copy of Barbara Streisand’s Greatest Hits.
I was on the fence before, but I’m DEFINITELY buying this now.
What what is the over under on how many beers Kavanaugh is gonna down with Judge and Squi??? As always he will have it prominently marked on his calendar.
“I can't help but find myself looking up to this fellow..." - Ben Shapiro
Perhaps not. But one of their most infamous fans is ol’ Brett Kavanaugh (and his oddly huge baseball-related debts).
I guess they left out “local men’s rights activist,” “President of the Houston Chapter of the Jordan Peterson Fan Club,” and “Ben Shapiro’s Body Man.”
The amazingly boneheaded part of this is that nobody had written anything about Osuna’s domestic violence case for months. Any article someone had proposed about his domestic abuse would probably have been consigned to the dustbin by an editor.
What a fucking piece of shit scumbag. Who in their right mind would ever think that berating women whom they don’t know about an incident that they were not involved in (fuckface assistant or the women he accosted) would be a normal, cool thing to do? It’s so far outside of what should be considered acceptable…
He needs to leave god out of it. Why does everything have to be about religion?
His comments had everything to do about the game situation that just occurred and nothing else