*Braves give up 10 runs in first inning*
*Braves give up 10 runs in first inning*
Just so I’m clear, the “steps to discourage” the chop that the Braves had allegedly previously implemented included:
- someone has an opinion
- person gets new information challenging that opinion
- person, after some thought, adjusts opinion incorporating this new information
- person has learned something and grown!
isn’t this what we all want? doesn’t it seem ludicrous after witnessing this to then attack that person for having the…
The Braves fans shouldn’t have an issue with this as they’re already used to saying the n word only when POC aren’t around.
Making an half-hearted agreement for the benefit of Native Americans only to renege on major parts of it? It’s the American Way.
I think the bigger story here is this writer doesn’t know about The Good Place. Where have you been the last three or four years? It’s the best show currently on television, by far.
Remember when we legitimately thought that forcing people to use their real names in comment sections would lead to them being more civil? Jeeze, we were dumb. It turns out that it’s not the anonymity that causes regular people to turn into assholes. Instead, it’s that regular people are mostly just assholes already.
but you had the energy to post
For the record, you really should watch The Good Place. It’s pretty amazing television.
Look at you all outraged at the outrage machine.
Yeah! She should stop being outraged and just accept the sexism and racism of the old days when they couldn’t speak out! Remember when we didn’t have outrage from minorities and discriminated classes? Ah, those were the days. Now they want “equal rights”. Those complainers.
“Fucking exhausting.”
We very obviously cannot.
I do not understand why people can’t just log off and walk away. It’s such a rare thing to see, and usually accompanied by some form of declarative which doesn’t help the situation. Celebrities in particular need to know when to disengage, their reach being what it is.
Albert this was an extremely good read. Unfortunately it’s going to be way funnier if she logs on to tweet about this article.
If I’m completely honest I don’t know what it would feel like were she to log on and go, huh what a good article, I will now log off. I guess hope that tomorrow might be better? That they might…
Periodically I see a tweet go viral and the original author eventually jumps in with “okay, muting this tweet now, bye” and I’m always in favor of it. Just go do something else. Twitter’s stupid, if you’re on it long enough you’re going to tweet something you regret, and you can’t take any of it too seriously.
I guess the point is, what is the expectation for Ellen here? Would it have been better for her to scream “you are a war criminal!” at Bush and then spit in his face?