
How many times is Twitter, Facebook, and the tech sector writ large going to give a barely-under-the-table thumbs up to racists, fascists, holocaust deniers, and anti-Semites before we just start openly acknowledging the constant, predictable pattern?

I *love* how those who constantly “go low” are the first ones to

You know how we can tell that social media algorithms were created almost entirely by white guys? Because women and people of color routinely have their accounts shut down for reposting abuse from white men, while the accounts that originally posted it remain up. I’m not saying they did that on purpose. I’m saying

His dad’s a big name in Texas propane supply, so he definitely grew up with that ‘king of the mound’ mentality.

Strickland ended Michael Morse’s career a few months early in the Harper incident.

Thin-skinned asshole who exaggerates slights that only exist in his own head anyway and hurts himself with impotent rage after his own failures lead to a losing effort? Why would you think he’s a Trump voter?

I bet he’s the kind of shitty Hunter who needs an AR-15 to put down a deer.

White Nationalists don’t hate Pepe. He’s their mascot.

The Giants are apparently not that wise of a team, and put their asses in the jackpot for no good reason last night.

Well, yeah. I would have done the same.

If the ref sees a dive, they should confirm it on video replay, then red card the diver. That’s the only way this shit will end.

This is why people hate soccer.

Is “asses in the jackpot” just part of the lexicon now?

I love baseball, but goddamnit, I hate the Unwritten Rules. I’m all for bat flipping, bunting during a no-hitter, etc. Pitchers do seem to be the worst when it comes to these imaginary rules of conduct. A guy got a hit off you? Oh, boo-hoo. Pitch better, you dumbass. Or just let batters hit pitchers with their bats.

and, frankly, your published film criticism at the time was lacking nuance. yeah i said it!

I am dad,   So is Mom!

Two thumbs up! (and then down... and then up...)

The review, in GIFs:

The greys are losing their collective shit, as predicted. Its like they didn’t even read, they just saw a line that was inflammatory to them and they took it and ran with it.

Word. Thank you for expressing this so eloquently.

I feel like a broken record, because I so often say this on your articles, but this is brilliant. And it is shattering, and I wish that everyone would read it.