
Oh Jesus, Ed. Spare me.

Well obviously women don’t like watching men’s athletics. I mean, their tiny women brains can’t even handle it.

Nice comment. Now don’t get cocky.

Wow, I haven’t seen a thai fighter destroyed that badly since Blue Harvest!

Nice to see someone putting the best foot forward, even if it was a bit in-your-face.

I’m going to remember that move next time I get into a fight.

I’m mostly offended that Ed thinks he is an RFA. You got’re clearly an Unrestricted Free Agent. Maybe if you understood simple free agency terms you would still have a job.

This hill, does it make my dick look big?

Hell, listening to some of my relatives, it’s not even equality, just the concept that at some point, they MAY have less privilege. Nothing has to change, and I still get regaled with how they have no religious liberty or personal freedom anymore.

He knows, he’s just playing dumb. The tweet suggests an acknowledgement of a past where women may have been dismissed as options. He got his job and made his name in that past, if he did so in a segregated system his reputation is worth less

The horse was real. You need to go another layer deeper: The character the horse portrayed on TV was fictional.

I deal with the goddamn customers so the engineers don’t have to. I have people skills. I am good at dealing with people.

Imagine being a white guy and thinking that encouraging women to apply in a field that has been 95% men since the beginning of journalism is somehow not working towards inclusion. Is Ed applying for the job?

Looking forward to “The Werder Herd-er” from 4-7 am on Fox Sports 2!

He’s a man who’s had every single of the greatest opportunities that human civilization has ever invented given to him for free just by being born in a specific time period, with a certain color of skin, and a dick.

You’re not gonna believe this, but turns out that a guy who references his “sense of humor seldom revealed on TV” in his twitter bio is actually a humorless, sexist, turd of an old man. 

90% of industry is men.

Seems like Ed is still using the prototype “Jump to Conclusions” board, the one that was rejected in focus group testing for inspiring too many deeply fallacious conclusions.

Nothing says “hire me” like going off on a misogynistic twitter rant

Never forget: “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”