
In the words of an alleged world leader, you knew what you signed up for!

“Guys, hold on! The Bengals want to trade us Network Connectivity-Problems instead. Who’s the file on him!?”

PC load-letter... What the fuck does that mean?

Yeah....hard pass

Are YOU going to tell Danny Trejo not to do that? Because I’m not.

“One of Man of Steel’s best scenes (I think) is the one in which Clark is in the church and briefly speaks to the priest-type person. I know that Superman’s roots are more Moses than Jesus, but if you think about what the generalized ‘average American reaction’would be, I feel that scene gets at it pretty well”


In fairness, BVS is so bad it should be mentioned often near the words “failure,” “boneheaded,” and “awful.”

Yup, that’s all this article is, just “look at how bad BvS” is. Definitely not an analysis of how two similar works deal with the same theme in different ways.

It doesn’t matter. Just sayin’

Now my question is this...

Dear Diggle - dude, you are part of a team with a member who can create magic computerized balls that have 1,000+ uses and who created a super computer chip that is literally the only thing allowing another team member to WALK. I’m sure he can also figure out a way to stop your arm from shaking.

Grant: “Also, it’s pronounced “Puerto Rico”. Only a complete idiot would use an accent like that.”

And they should have just explained that Lena spent the first few years of her life in Ireland with her birth mother before Lionel brought her back into his nest. Then we wouldn’t all have to endure the strained and inconsistent attempt at an American accent.

When Kara said no to potstickers you knew shit had gone completely sideways

That also felt like the writers acknowledging that the statue, itself, was ugly as all hell. Laurel from any universe would want that destroyed.

So now that Talbot’s found the portal-between-universes that Vasquez/Piper has been using, does this mean more people will start crossing over?

I did enjoy Black Siren (Earth-2 Laurel) destroying Star City’s statue of Black Canary (Earth-1 Laurel) last season, just to drive home that she is such a hardcore bitch that she is even a bitch to herself.

Is a Lynda Carter/ Calista Flockhart version of The West Wing to much to ask for?

Alex/Maggie: *Several minute heart-to-heart regarding both wedding planning and abandonment/daddy issues*