You seem pretty into the idea of a company censoring its employees on their own private accounts. Good for you. You get a gold star.
You seem pretty into the idea of a company censoring its employees on their own private accounts. Good for you. You get a gold star.
Why should a fing sports game host a patriotic exhibition beforehand? The hell is the point of that?
Then why are you here to comment?
Now we wonder, “what won’t they bend over for?”
Right back at you.
You want to pretend that the people who deliver your sport highlight packages are vacuous robots who don’t have opinions of their own and won’t use their personal social media accounts to share their opinions? Cool shit.
Won’t matter. You can never prostrate yourself enough for these people. ESPN could replace it’s logo with White Jesus in a Confederate flag snuggie and they’ll still be “the (((liberal))) media.”
When I was a kid, I used to wonder, “What does ESPN stand for?”
I agree that it’s sad that women feel the need, but it’s not difficult to understand. A fair number of men get angry when they get turned down, and a smaller but not-insignificant number react by becoming physically violent. Many if not most women have experienced at least one strong negative overreaction to turning…
It’s okay that Trump does it, because Clinton did it too, but it was wrong of Clinton to do it.
No one does. Put men in charge, you gets what you gets.
Amazingly, sex workers are human beings who do not deserve to be sexually assaulted.
I think part of the point is that they don’t care what the woman wants.
The dems don’t exactly have a stellar record on this issue.
As a white man, let me assure you that I have never wanted a woman to watch me masturbate. I don’t even ever want to watch myself masturbate. Harvey Weinstein’s proclivities seem pretty uniquely creepy.
This might blow you simple little mind away but it doesn’t matter what a women’s current or past profession is when it comes to sexually harassing them. It’s wrong and sick.
Because “success=money=power=pussy” is how men have been raised for a very, very long time.
No, because some interns are actually paid a stipend. Not every company is terrible, just most.
Sure, but the restaurant’s lifetime ban after catching a guy jacking off into the salad bar is still going to be enforced no matter how many AA meetings he went to.