
H0nestly, only one person did that to me, and I just didn't respond. Personally, I am looking for a relationship and feel that meeting on the same night isn't conducive to that. I do have something in my profile that I am not looking for a casual hook-up though, so I think that helps. I wouldn't say you should expect

I just joined too!! And most of the messages I have gotten don't seem to be hook up-y. But who knows. Good luck!

Are you me? My partnership broke up over conflict over kids and I'm pushing 37 so I need to get on that pronto.

I've used Tinder to date! There've been some hookups too, but two of the guys I've met off Tinder turned out to be more. The one that I'm still dating right now (he's 34, for reference) after a month says he's serious about me. So, there's hope!

If they're trying to meet up with you the same day, they probably just want to hook up. I might recommend putting something in your profile area about what you're looking for to weed a little bit of that out.

Just came back from the 4 day booze and food fest that is Pebble Beach Food and Wine. It was awesome, and I've been consistently buzzed on good wine since Thursday!

Yes, you can absolutely use Tinder to date. I met plenty of guys on there that were looking for relationships. You might want to say something of that nature in the space where you write about yourself. That will help weed out the one-nighters.

I just had twins about two weeks ago, and holy shit. They are wonderful and I'm so in love with them, but they are waking up very two hours at night, then it takes them about forty minutes to finish a bottle, get changed, and fall back asleep. I really hope it gets better. I can barely function. I had help and backup

Some say the world will end in fire,

Your aunt is awesome. There's nothing more boring than listening to people blabber on about their bullshit run or whatever. Nobody cares but you. God, I'd rather hear a pregnant woman talk about her body functions. I think a good analogy would be if I talked non-stop about the details of my thesis. But hell, as least

I always thought huge, gaping space between a person's thighs made them look bow-legged, but apparently that's what the kids today call "sexy".

"I've had it up to here with these damn rickets!"

It's called having an ED and it is really fucking boring and depressing.

Some of the most boring people on earth are food and exercise obsessed. I knew this woman who would tell you about her running workouts such detail that it was practically real time - a 45 minute run would take her that long to describe. Ugh, what a bore. I would run to avoid having to listen to her!

Can you imagine going out to eat with someone like that? Holy fuck.

Can you imagine being so obsessed with food and dieting and I don't know what all this is, that you would spend most of your day planning out and executing your day according to food and fitness?!? How fucking boring, not to mention expensive!

This is obviously the result of disordered eating and not any attempt at a real "diet." I know everyone seems to think that fruit = automatically healthy, but she's literally just eating straight sugar all day (and mainly fructose, at that). Her pancreas and liver (fructose can only be metabolized in the liver) are

She must have the worst diarrhea.

It's weird but everyone I know absolutely hates Drake. I don't follow his career so I have no idea why, outside of the fact that his face is sort of goofy.

There's no emotion in his eyes. Cover up his mouth and it's just a freaky dead-eyed stare into the camera.