
I wasn't really going for trollishness. More like satire.

Huh? What are you printing out? Every job I've worked at has used some sort of cloud storage and shared documents. Haven't needed to print anything in a few years

Americans can't even catch a break when they're bringing new life into the world. Sure, federal law mandates that women be allowed 12 weeks of maternity leave, but that's unpaid leave. We're the only industrialized country where this is the case. In Australia, it's 18 weeks off with guaranteed pay of the federal

To assume that any one thing - weight loss, a romantic partner, a new job, bigger boobs, more confidence - will have the effect of perfecting your life or even making you happy is a fallacy. Someone said to me recently that happiness is a side effect of doing other things we enjoy. I liked that. If you're the type

I think you are misunderstanding her point. She is saying that her body is undisciplined by existing as a fat body. She actually didn't mention what her diet is or if/how much she exercises - I surmise that you assume certain things about her habits because she is fat. Her list of things she denies herself, though,

If you're performing a job you actually enjoy, there's satisfaction in going to work every day and getting things done.

Then he gets arrested because she's screaming BORK BORK BORK too loudly.

I think they confused doggie style with "borking":

Especially if the guy is actually a stalker, since stalking is usually hard to prove.

I'm really uncomfortable with the stereotypical images used to depict Italians.

It would be less funny but more informative* if you simply wrote a story that explained exactly what happened. By the time I got done mentally subtracting all the crap you made up, I couldn't be sure what was true anymore. And your snide commentary about the "stalking" charge, coupled with a complete lack of interest

This is a good question and I wish I had the answer. But I think in this case, that her picture was shown as the word "diverse" was said in the voiceover is kind of a bad sign.

His trailer informs you that he's super good at what he does. I love it when the trailer tells me how beautiful the cinematography is instead of just, you know, having beautiful cinematography.

Tell her to read this article on why she probably won't make much money. I have a lot of friends who blog, as do I. Everyone pretends like they're making money, but once I admit that I have made enough to buy a monthly lunch on, you should see them relax. People start saying "Yeah, I made like $150 last year."

I like that it announces that this is the First! Feature! Film! from Chris Wiegand as if this is what we've been waiting for. Finally, a feature from Chris Weigand. Not the sign of a good doc in the making.

Most bloggers (or at least the popular ones who can sell stuff) are usually married, white, women with families.


No outside food and beverage? Are they seriously saying you can't bring your own water to stand around outside all day in the California sun? That is a ballsy ballsy way to make money off concessions.

The neighborhood I grew up in has always has a large LGBTQ community (not to mention several family friends are LGBTQ) so my parents explained to us what that meant at a very young age. I'm pretty sure my brother and I were like like, "Oh. Ok." It was never a big deal. These people are projecting their bigotry onto