
Yay! I'll keep on trying in that case. I wanted to use it because on OKC, I might meet guys who were interesting, but often they would live too far away and - well this part is a little embarrassing - but not very attractive. I think I started to feel bad about myself with the last guy I was dating because he was

:-D Pick all you want... I'm not doing much better...

Well... Just get through this time period as best you can, then. Maybe you can get a babysitter or daycare occasionally and use that time for ZZZZ

Thanks for that. The demystification works.

Well... Okay... but you do realize I have ten years on ya? And I was divorced last year. That's kind of a world of difference. My last two boyfriends broke up with me because they were 41 and 48 respectively and wanted kids stat! I want kids too and I'm running out of time. I just won't have kids with someone without

Yay! At least you've got one family member coming over! What about female friends. I know it's not as common, but I know if I were your friend I would Totally come over and give you five hours rest!

What about the part of wanting to meet the same night, is that something I should expect? Should I be prepared to meet up with someone immediately like that? For strangers I'm all: "Dude's getting up in my bidness now!"

Right, but I'm assuming you're a lot younger than me. I only date guys my age or older, give or take a few years.

First! Congrats!!!! Big hugs and kisses to your two little bundles of joy!

Can someone help an Old (certified, tomorrow's my birthday, 37!!!!)

Seriously, aren't va centers like $800?

It's like the "no Excuses" lady - that's great that she gets enjoyment from it, But don't think your whack ass decisions to forgo sleep or nutrition or whatever A0 makes you a better person, or B) other people are going to congratulate you for that. Big whoop, now sit your ass down!

It is caused by bowlegged-ness!

Ha ha ha ha!!!

I tried something similar once - for 5 Days Only. It wasn't bad. It was at the start of spring/summer and everything was in season and I had been eating Way too many heavy cooked meats and starches. It felt great... for five days!

True... sadz :-(

I thought this was caused by rickets?

My 80-year-old aunt said it best when all the cousins were gathered 'round talking about how many calories they burned on their lunch-hour elliptical workouts: "It's like talking about your bowel movements."

Can you imagine being so obsessed with food and dieting and I don't know what all this is, that you would spend most of your day planning out and executing your day according to food and fitness?!? How fucking boring, not to mention expensive!

Love Izzard - including his circular stand-up performances. They're genius. Much more structurally like a sonnet or like a classic fable - all the ends get tied up neatly and the main terms get referenced again and again like a phrase.