
Russian agent? Probably not.

As a Black person, FUCK NOPE. Black pain isn’t here for comedians to get a laugh from. What the fuck.

One does not use their mouth in a hand job. Something including “blue” balls would have been funny, accurate, and topical, but sadly you lack the intelligence to think things through.

I’ve done Murph a couple times (no vest), and I think my best time ever was around 55 minutes. For comparison, I can run a mile in 5:30, two miles at 13:00 without feeling particularly winded, rock climb regularly at V4s pushing to V5s, and oh yeah, I played in the fucking NFL.

I’ve just about reached critical mass, reading the pileup of impeachable offenses day by day. All I can conclude at this point is that the GOP not going to impeach him until they can pass every possible point of their murderous agenda, and the Democrats aren’t going to stand as one to cry “Impeach!” until they’ve

I remember when murrican patriots started calling french fries freedom fries, even tho the term is not about France. I remember idiots throwing out French wine that is better than much of ours cuz of frenchiness. I remember, idiots getting up in arms because how DARE another country have a different opinion than us.

seriously!! I cant unsee this

Or St. Ronnie, the infallible deity of the modern Republicans. He wasn’t too keen on the Russians, as I recall.

My inner shadenfreude muppet always laughs when those at the top think that they can get away with seriously illegal and delusional power-grabbing decisions. Always remember that in order to carry out your orders and mad declarations, you need people below you who are earning much less money and have much less to lose

Hell, the Republicans of the ‘90s and early ‘00s would be sideyeing anyone all cozied up to the Russians.

The Republicans of the 1950s would be dusting off Old Sparky for anyone found working with the Ruskies.

LOL, when I was reading about him as a senior in high school in 2003 (or whatever came out about his high school activities-something very smarmy) I realized, holy crap, this man is MY AGE (so about 32) and looks like he’s 45-50. He sort of looks like prematurely-aged Vincent Kartheiser on Mad Men, when he had to

Nah they all want their tax cuts and lobbying gigs.

I love that McCain refers to him as “the 31 yr old”, like he doesn’t even deserve a name.

As much as I wonder how much the GOP is involved with all this, it’s stuff like this that makes me think they were involved in this mess.

I fill out the same form every five years. I would be FUCKING FIRED if I pulled this same kind of bullshit. FUCK THESE MOTHERFUCKERS AND ALL OF THE ASSFUCKS RESPONSIBLE FOR PUTTING THESE DOUCHEBAGS IN POWER. Sorry, not sorry, am on my third drink.

The Resident - Anyone in it that I care about? Nope.

I am double 21 and the CW show about the girl not dying looks way more appealing than it probably should.

7. They are cahooting with Lorde, who shot Kennedy from the grassy knoll.

Don’t be too hard on yourself, typos come with the conspiracy territory.