
Holy hell, this was a realllllllly long way to just say “we don’t like Taylor Swift that much as a person, the album was fine, 6/10.”

I was 50 years old when I decided to face my anxiety and get my license. I went through three different schools that said they specialized in nervous adult learners but really would say anything to get tuition money. I was humiliated, told I would never get my license and that, yes, I was the worst driver they ever

But when did he receive it?

You have got to look more into Tulsi Gabbard.  Not only shouldn’t she be on the stage, she shouldn’t even be in the party.

Love you to pieces but please no Tulsi Gabbard for Secretary of Defense.

I think Danny Green was pretty clear about it, among other NBA players.

So you only quarter of one game of the NBA finals? Who gives a shit what the fuck you think.

Inject this straight into my veins.

Fair, but here’s the thing: all sports team owners are scum, even the “good” ones.

It may not shock you to learn that Leonard was, even then, a man of few words.

Lowry fouling out on that reach didn't help them. They needed him to run the offense. Without him, it turned into aimlessly wasting clock and still bricking 3's. They had ample opportunity to win.

4 positive Raps articles in a row? Just fucking hook it up to my veins already, Deadspin! If you guys change your colour scheme to OVO black and gold, my head’s gonna explode.

You mean when LeBron dragged Matthew Dellavedova and a couple of janitors from the Q to 6 games?

I was a freshman at Creighton during his senior year. Dude was and is one of the most down-to-earth, approachable guys I’ve ever met.

He did!! He gave a statement that was read on the podcast saying he was proud of his grandson and how he handled a difficult situation. Nothing about how he made that situation more difficult, though.

Here’s my theory, worth what you paid for it: these days, a greater portion of USAen wealth is inherited. Some heirs are smart, but a lot of them are nitwits—which leads to a greater percentage of capital being commanded by people incapable of tying their shoes.

Why don’t we ask General James “Mad Dog” Mattis, who has lent his credibility to both of those hucksters without any lasting repercussions?

You forgot to mention his most important work, which is inspiring multiple very good Taylor Swift songs #AllTooWell

Joshua Tree is my happy-soul place. How anyone could destroy such a place of purity and beauty is beyond my comprehension. Like, do you even human?