
We are on the same exact page cuz when I first read this, I thought, “When’s his next movie coming out? When is her next album coming out? Probably going to be around the same time, how convenient.” I, too, don’t believe that T. Swift does ANYthing that is not calculated. But I still happily sing “22" at the top of my

I don’t see it as a choice between a post apocalyptic hellscape or Handmaid’s Tale; I see it as the choice between Handmaid’s Tale + post apocalyptic hellscape or just Handmaid’s Tale by itself. Trump may not be so actively hateful towards women and LGBTQ people as Pence is, but with a Republican Congress and the

I think I’m trying to explain why she isn’t perfect to someone who was tottering on the edge of saying she was. I expect nothing in particular of her. I mean, you’re asking why I expect her to be perfect when the comment I was replying to began “Sam Bee is the fucking best.” 

Basically they wish all human women were actually just sex robots that can be turned off and stored in a closet when not needed.

I’m so fucking glad I jumped on the IUD bandwagon.... I’m so fucking glad I jumped on the IUD bandwagon.... I’m so fucking glad I jumped on the IUD bandwagon.... I’m so fucking glad I jumped on the IUD bandwagon....

Now playing

Just a friendly reminder that Hillary was saying all of this before the election and even on TV, but nah, her emails...


It is 2017, we must stop litigating marijuana. The rank hypocrisy of a culture in which we are inundated with positive and affirming messages about alcohol and demonize every thing else is pure folly. Don’t like gay marriage? Don’t marry someone of the same gender. Don’t like marijuana? Don’t consume it. Problem

The distinction so many of the online reactions to the dismissals seem to be missing (and that I’m really glad this article makes note of) is that dismissals of this sort are completely normal for incoming administrations (former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush dismissed similar numbers of US Attorneys),

I think Bella is definitely the more striking of the two.

Yep. Except motivational speaker is a legal scam.

Not bad news, but *Darrel Issa*, of all people, called for the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the Russia-Trump situation.

The problem is that his actual business acumen is somewhere between Gob Bluth and Vincent Adultman.

Critical or cynical? They didn’t have the votes, but they still boycotted their committee meetings and held the floor for what, 24 hours, this week trying to save the DOE.

Actual text of a Tweet my MIL sent last week (ETA: three hours ago, she tweets sooooooooo much). She’s like this basically 100% of the time, it’s kind of amazing.:

You’d understand it if you spoke Working-class American, duhhhhh. Here, let a Real American translate for you:

Is it worth it to call a democratic Senator who has already voiced sharing your stance on a particular issue or nomination? I feel like that’s just clogging the phones but I don’t know if that helps reaffirm that stance.

“We look to have a great relationship with all countries, ideally, unfortunately that won’t necessarily happen, unfortunately probably won’t happen with many countries, but if we could have as we do with Prime Minister May, and the relationship we’ve all developed, and even the short relationship that we’ve just

Jeff Sessions is the worst of the crackers.

And even ignoring the respect thing for a moment, if you truly love your partner, wouldn’t you want to be with them? To share in the moment? I couldn’t imagine just walking away from my wife like that, and her doing the same to me would be legitimately hurtful.