
I do NOT care, he’s the same person she married just with more power to cause harm now.


I believe this to be the pinnacle of English prose: “Rick Perry, a moron who in all likelihood knots his fingers into his shoelaces more than twice per week”

Dear god, now he’s pretending to *write*, too.

Gots to agree, Livia. Cheeto Hitler is not a normal candidate, he is not a normal President-elect, he is an active danger to the republic, our shared values as a people, and to our national sovereignty. Selling out our government to Vladimir Putin, and arranging his campaign and his office-holding for personal

illegitimate PEOTUS can’t sell out own inauguration. weak leadership, total loser. sad!

I think that our first and foremost reason for doing things should be that we care about other people, but it also irks my pragmatic side that Trump (& Republicans in general) see no benefit to themselves in helping other people. If we invest less in Africa, who is going to step in? China.

Yes, especially given the precedent of W’s presidency. That guy was a million times more civil and conciliatory than Trump, and the Democrats’ attempt to seem bipartisan failed us all.

I’d like to believe that this is a sign of the Democrats growing a pair but I’m not holding my breath. We need left-wing streetfighters to take over the democratic party, LBJ-types with deeply held liberal beliefs but no morals, lol! It’s the only way to fight the Trumpettes but I don’t see anyone like that in the

We’ve known this since manfort dissolved into mist when a light was shone on him.

Like, does he (and every other buttfaced Republican), not understand that PP offers more services other than abortions? JFC!!

Kat Von D’s eyeliner is great for this. It’s like using a calligraphy brush to put on eyeliner. You can get a good dupe from Jesse’s Girl that’s about $6-8 at Rite Aid.

If you want to go super cheap - and for many, much, much better than literally any other option - buy a pack of cheap microfiber clothes, and use just that and water for cleansing and exfoliating. No more liquid cleanser/exfoliator.

My pick would be Katy Tur, who was pretty fearless in her reporting of the Trump campaign. Yes, the media in general really let us down with all the free air time for Trump and its BS of falsely equating Hillary using a private server with whatever atrocity Trump happened to be doing or saying or promising, but Tur


I can see it as a barrier if that was the only way to register, but it’s just one way to get onboard. I can only speak to Washington, but my friends who don’t drive have no problem getting registered without having to get licenses.

Does..does he have fangs?

I do have an explanation, and it’s racist to assume that a skinny kid in the middle of the street wearing a cross country uniform is trying to steal your wife and her purse. That is a perfectly reasonable conclusion to come to. You can’t even come up with another conclusion.

Jane Eyre was written by Charlotte Brontë; please troll better. 2/10

how absolutely dominant the White Sox pitching staff was