
I guess the question is, who on the roster is a better choice for DH, especially since the AL has home field advantage? It seems Coghlan is the likely guy on the chopping block in this decision. I think it boils down to:

As someone who abhors Donald Trump and everything he stands for: it’s sentiments like yours that have given rise to Donald Trump. Offhandedly dismissing entire swaths of citizens allows a know-nothing huckster like Trump to thrive.

ooooo!!!! a rare SQUERGER

He cut his strikeout rate in half from the time he came up in 2014 to this season, I believe. So he’s proven he’s teachable with the right instruction. He’s only going to get better, unfortunately for the rest of the National League.

A million stars to this comment. Also anytime I hear West Town I am  reminded how Cabrini was rebranded as East Village.

That’s LESS than 1/8 of the city, more like 1/25th. We have over 70 neighborhoods. The south side itself is larger than the north side. It’s a shame but the entire image of Chicago is created and dominated by hip, young white people from the north side. They are the ones who get their articles and books published,

I lived there for about ten years. As major cities go it’s actually kinda great - not as crowded and claustrophobic as NYC, not as sprawling and congested as LA, plus there are alleys for people to put their garbage in.

I can call it anything I want? Cool! I'll call it Hawk Harrelson's Hometastic Stadium of Magical Fun and Whimsy!

That name’s too long. Let’s shorten it a little bit.

That would make sense if it weren’t for all the times watching games women are forced to defend themselves. Being told “you know a lot for a girl”, having rules you understand perfectly well explained to you or in some fun situations being asked if you’ll show your tits are just 3 examples. Also it’s not being a bad


It reminds me of those velvet burnout slip dresses the dELiA*s catalog sold around prom time in the 90s.

i didnt watch the actual surgeries because i have a weak stomach for that shit but i saw all the before and after pics. (lastweekonteenmom on tumblr has it all) it’s insane. i have so many thoughts. cant believe they did that. poor brianna her vagina looked totally normal before. i hate it all