
And Trump can’t even get something I agree with right! He thinks eschewing the rule of law w/r/t gun control is an option. Rule of law seemed to elude him. Funny for the “law and order” party (as if run of the mill Dems *don’t like* rule of law...?)!

Ah yes. Lyndon B. Johnson. Truly one of the greats.

Also, so what if 10 companies gave bonuses. Out of how many throughout the country? How is that sample size even looked at as indicative of ANYTHING? WTF.

I really have no idea. I think if i was trying to get real good at espionaging while working for a national campaign I would also try to get real good at concealing said espionaging. What competent person in charge of hiring would look at Page’s or Manafort’s resume and say, “HUH! Looks like there’s not one iota of

I know little about the mechanics, but the ranch as a concept creeps me the hell out.

I have been following this story ever since Carter Page joined the campaign, and the involvement of Gates/Manafort/Page is truly the concerning thing, especially since their malfeasance has been in easily searchable, plain sight. Same goes for the Mayflower Meeting - plain sight.

I have been in offices (like, just regular old business offices, not high profile ones) with safety buttons for security measures. I don’t think those are too crazy. Why leave an office exposed if there’s say, only one person in the office late at night (which is the reasoning) or an active emergency (shooting,


Pretty sure it’s this.

A very, very, bad one! He can (allegedly) afford a good one!!!

I refuse to believe DJT is rich based on his eyebrows alone. If someone that rich can’t get a makeup person to pop on some clear eyebrow gel, then you are not rich. HIRE A MAKEUP ARTIST! I can imagine the howling if, say, Hillary’s eyebrows looked like Hagrid with a bleach job.

yes. they’re going to enact as much as possible - as McConnell said, DJT will sign anything. Also a ton of them are retiring and won’t have to answer to voters.

I tend to like foreign policy experience when it comes to WORLD LEADERS. So unless Oprah magically knows how to work with leaders of foreign governments, I am not into the idea of her running.


Sure sure. I see. Modern examples of the failure of housing projects such as Cabrini is a good reference point. I was thinking more large-scale demographics than housing projects like Cabrini.

and my mom would probably be a great surgeon, but I’m not gonna let her take my thyroid out. I was against Trump due to lack of relevant experience (among many other issues!), and I’m not gonna be pro-Oprah just because she would be a Dem.

Don’t forget this show threw out perfectly good food from their fake store set instead of, you know, giving it to a food bank for people living in a food desert.

Don’t forget McKinley Park and BOTY! There are a lot of demographic/gentrification issues at play when discussing Chicago. I mean, to get really specific, a lot of neighborhoods on the south side started out as enclaves for European immigrants (stockyards, anyone?). “Pilsen” doesn’t derive its name from Spanish -

LOLOLOL Look up Moshe Lax and ask again if she is a grifter. 

She tricks people by being a pretty, thin, blonde woman, and people think she is somehow OK. meanwhile she traipses around Croatia with Wendi Deng-Murdoch, ex of Putin. HUH! WONDER WHY! What does complicit mean?!