
calling hillary ‘nasty’ on live TV.

I can’t believe Trump lets this woman speak on his behalf. She’s definitely not a 10. 10s only, amirite?!

Ewww why is the watch creeping me out?? I’ve never been creeped out by a watch. Trump’s ruined watches for me much like he has ruined by belief that America isn’t a garbage country.

Yep! Like when my retina detached at age 25. what caused it? just how my eyes are. no accidents, no bad nutrition or hard living. just how my eyeballs are. good thing i have healthcare or i would have probably lost vision in one eye by age 25 with the other one following close behind. 3 surgeries later I am all good,

Debi Mazar is gorgeous and awesome too.

I do! I know aspects are #problematic but I love the cast! And there are some truly funny bits.

Except now people are like “commies OK if Russian but not Cuban K bye”

given the election of DJT, i am starting to think that, hmmm, maybe a LOT of people don’t care if they’re supporting/giving money to/watching in a film are bad people. they just don’t care. sad for folks like me who choose to be more discerning.

Jason Isbell is Very Good.

My IUD was $7 with insurance. SEVEN. DOLLARS. it is a $7 miracle piece of plastic and i love it.

This! He’d have tweeted about it by now. Manafort, on the other hand...

I’m a millennial and I love instagram and I hate wedding hashtags. Am I ill???

i spent ages 15-17 wearing despicably short mini skirts and turned out JUST FINE. i loved a good mauve pleated corduroy American Eagle micro mini, goddamnit!

Tangentially: she is gorgeous!

It’s like being in charge comes with scrutiny and responsibility! Who woulda thought!

I wish Minnesota politics translated to the national scale. I loved living in MN. Those folks know how to get shit done!

I thought that shot of Kris was Michael Jackson at first...

Oh wow I should have looked that up!

I was going to say....pretty sure my hand doesn’t have a mouth!

I agree. Set himself up for a presidential bid perhaps?