I liked her up until this point. Now they both can just stop.
I liked her up until this point. Now they both can just stop.
Ted Cruz using a winky emoji makes me want to take a bleach bath.
It helps that these people are ridiculously beautiful anyway. Any haircut looks good with perfect bone structure.
Also his tacit nature on Article 5 speaks volumes. Hope your buddy Putin is paying you well, brah.
Just here to say that my dumb brain gets confused by Dubs every time i hear it. I’m like, which team? What? Oh.
*OUTDOORSY. sorry.
Arkansas actually has a lot of very cool natural beauty, so people who are into indoorsy shit probably travel there.
seriously, what the fuck kinda chair-sitting is that?
YES! Did they all forget this and you know, that their hero Reagan was not into Russia even a little? Mind blowing.
The part of me that reads Louise Mensch’s tweets in order to make them maybe come true is sure that the Russians will be the ones who bring these fuckers down.
When people tell me they think Jared kushner is attractive I’m like, sorry what does it for you - the soullessness? The grifting? Some combination of the two? Jared kushner is not cute!
yeah i love emily since the ‘everwood’ days and i also am here for anything with cary/logan.
also, john mayer faked the moon landing
can confirm
*buys more tinfoil*
1. Swift and Perry are working together
Pro choice is fun when it’s schools and not bodies, eh Betsy? Also fuck you, Betsy.
Calvin Harris looks like a grown man to me too. Harry styles on the other hand....
The fact that Cornyn and Goudy said no make me feel like SOMETHING might be sticking to trump and they want nothing to do with it. Maybe I’m crazy.
We can determine how much of a marketing ploy this is by determining when this guy’s next movie comes out and her next album. Fall. Probably fall on both counts.