
*buys more tinfoil*

1. Swift and Perry are working together

Pro choice is fun when it’s schools and not bodies, eh Betsy? Also fuck you, Betsy.

Calvin Harris looks like a grown man to me too. Harry styles on the other hand....

The fact that Cornyn and Goudy said no make me feel like SOMETHING might be sticking to trump and they want nothing to do with it. Maybe I’m crazy.

We can determine how much of a marketing ploy this is by determining when this guy’s next movie comes out and her next album. Fall. Probably fall on both counts.

She’s been saying things like this a lot and the big scoops seem to be more like tiny drips. Not fireworks...yet. Maybe tomorrow I will wake up and the peepee tape will be out. A girl can dream.

he totally types on his phone with his pointer fingers, though.

I’m cackling.

Not to be this person, but to say “Hennepin County, a community largely populated by Somali families,” is factually not true. There is a large community but I am fairly certain Hennepin County is well over 50% white. I would venture it’s closer to 80%. I just think accurate reporting of this would be good. I am not

get a setting spray (I like Urban Decay’s) and nothing will rub off, beach or otherwise!

this is fun

I was at the Bulls game last Friday (not a great game, to say the least) and Trubisky got announced as the pick over the PA. the crowd went wild booing until they showed him on the big screen and then a collective murmur of “oooh sorry (kiiiiinda)” went over the crowd. Chicago fans are savage. this kid is in for it.

Got it. Skimmed comments too quickly. Also this is a pet peeve of mine. KILL YR IDOLS etc

I totally see your point and it’s fucked up that she did/is doing that. But I don’t get why people expect celebrities to be perfect. Celebrities are humans, and even cool celebrities probably have a bad opinion, or two, or three. I don’t completely write off my friends when they say or do something shitty - they’re

Not to be this person but can we get the name of Bears Ears right, as well as consistent, throughout this article?

Is no one aware of what happened in Kansas as a result of this very thing? /facepalm

“thickening border” just makes me think of what my OBGYN told me when I got my IUD put in. #cervicalmucus

*crosses fingers for all of the above*

also where has KAC been lately?!