
excited to see how this dude and ivanka age during this debacle.

They are a decently big site, and I’m a pretty big fan and I don’t even really get it. My only thought is that Kylie is totally the wrong type of person they’d feature.

Is it just me or does Adele cry a lot?

Same. Same. God.

You’d think these people would be all about widespread, robust access to contraceptives! But nah.

i think Pence has been suspiciously quiet. Maybe I’m just missing news abou him...


desi seems in a baaaad place.

*puts on tinfoil hat*

No puppet!

Can someone get this administration a fucking competent graphic designer?

He’s wearing foundation. It would be an easy thing to just add some undereye concealer.

I watch just for Sutton!!

Unpopular opinion: Bella is the far superior Hadid model.

Like Trump U, in a way!

The UTIs would be neverending.

Or MAYBE, just MAYBE, the woman outearns the man! The horror! (IT’S ME!!)

I would also be worried about crimes by fellow staffers maaaaaybe are committing (Flynn) and wouldn’t want to jeopardize my life and future by getting close to those assholes.

But will Flynn face any consequences? Probably not! HA! Law and order is irrevelant when republicans do bad things!

Listen, I am 27 and made a point to not force relationships and just let things happen. It’s scary to see your friends couple up, lots of your distant relatives will incessantly ask why you’re single, and you might go a while without sex. All of these things are fine. Make yourself happy. As other people have said,