
Do you have to be skeletal, aggressively fake blonde, and brutally annoying to be a female republican talking head? perhaps.

Or is it good timing for firing up her base to continue to resist? Just another way to look at it...

Agreed. I also don’t get why this guy is even worth being on a show and fighting over. He seems like a baby bear who is in a human body.

I disagree. Most people who follow news and were also from Illinois/Chicago would know it was Arne Duncan from 2009 until what, 2015? Maybe that’s a Chicago bubble thing? I feel like I heard his name on NPR quite often.

I see Kellyanne’s makeup team has finally employed spackling paste, deck sealer, and upholstery tacks to keep her face attached to her skull.

It’s confusing to me how people somehow do not see Trump as a smug elitist???

Wow! A HamNo piece I actually agreed with in its entirety!

because rejecting the good in pursuit of perfection has always worked so well in politics, humanity, etc. etc.

this image made my parts hurt.

In (Catholic) grade school we got an assignment to write an essay why abortion is wrong. my 8th-grade brain decided abortion was fine and I turned in the essay like that and got a nice fat F. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

the BEST words.

HA. But listen, one or two YouTube tutorials wikl be an okay starting place for these buffoons.

Between Trump, Kellyanne, Spicer, and Melania, the amount of poorly applied and incorrectly color-matched makeup issues are UNACCEPTABLE. Why can’t a fucking billionaire get a competent makeup artist.

“Regime change” can simply refer to a transfer of power. In this case, though, it probably was meant to sound at least a little sinister.

Guns from Indiana, oftentimes.


For sure. Even like, at a family event like a wedding, my partner would have fucking walked with/waited for me/what have you. It seems simple to me.

I am on the same page of not feeling sorry for her. At the same time, knowing he’s a complete con, how do we know he didn’t also take advantage of a woman with, perhaps, little real world knowledge and he trapped HER? I know she’s not innocent, but I think just leaving at “She knows who she married!” dismisses Trump’s

I do think this is NOT what Melania signed up for and she is in over her head.

I’m thinking this may be the desired result.