
In an upcoming sequel it’s revealed that Trudy and Mark Spitz form what is referred to as a “Force Nyad.”

Dreyfusard or Dreyfushome, I say.

Dreyf’d up for Leyf!

No love for the Dreyfus Affair smdh

In a fucking terrible movie

My tires are filled with water!

“This looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendoship.”

You must’ve gone to one of those froofy schools.

Smells Like Shit Spirit

The truth is not far off.

I got one word

I start every day by injecting coffee straight into my veins. This avoids the upset stomach. I follow that with an hour of movement. Fortunately, I have a private bathroom.

As the science fiction writer Bruce Sterling (who as a Boomer would be in the target audience) wrote “Forest Gump  is Stalinist propaganda. The ideal citizen is loyal yet stupid.”

I have one CD that has a Beatles song, a Mozart Symphony, a Madonna single and Smells Like Teen Spirit.

I was born too late to have grown up with Jackson Five MJ, or King of Pop MJ. I only ever knew him as a the plastic surgery-obsessed nonce. His music meant nothing to me.

Yeah, like...this is a bad idea. If they go the hagiographic route, people will reject it. If they go the “personal demons” route, it’ll be a toothless version of shit that has already come out.

I knew a man named D. Idaho,

“Fired goons?”

Nobody says ‘no’ to Gerwig! You’re gonna pay for this, Shoo-sha! You’re gonna pay!