
I have a lot of feelings about this whole War Machine thing but I will just summarize by saying that I hope from here on out the world is very unkind to him.

Gemma Ward is not dead-eyed! She is an angelic alien sent here to make me feel bad about myself (but good in every other way). You take that back!

Unlikely, sure.

But I wonder—and I say this not of myself, but of the profession writ large—where the hell we'd be as a society without educators.

Someone had to get these kids into theatre classes. Someone had to teach them stage presence, projection, and a multitude of other skills.

But, fuck it. Let's keep putting

Is anyone else still super annoyed at the dumb plot twist that "forced" Pheobe to pull out of the Presidential race last season? Goddamnit. I so wanted the show to just shift to her character winning the Presidency, Fitz be damned. Fuck, I want her character to be President in real life. Right now. Please?

It is all very Pygmalion/My Fair Lady, isn't it?

Maybe I'm reading (understanding) it wrong, but it seems to me like he's obsessed with her image. He likes her face, body and the fact she can get million likes on Instagram. Its all physical.....materialistic, shallow, vain. First thing that pops into his mind when someone asks him about his wife and the mother of

I have a very special request. Can we limit mentions of any Kardashians in Dirt Bags to one per?

The store owner is the one who should be arrested. That dress is a far more grievous crime than mere thievery.

  • From 1978 to 2013, CEO compensation, inflation-adjusted, increased 937 percent, a rise more than double stock market growth and substantially greater than the painfully slow 10.2 percent growth in a typical worker's compensation over the same period.

This is... horrifying? Is there a stronger word than horrifying??? Somebody hand me a thesaurus here, because I can't even

You know, that was my first thought, but when I was that old, I walked home from school by myself, I'd go exploring with my friends without supervision, sometimes for hours. There was probably a very miniscule chance that something bad would have happened to me, but you have to balance that small risk against allowing

Sure it is. My childhood was unsupervised. I was basically pushed out the door and told to be home when the street lights came on.

I don't understand how this is neglect. She's 9, not 3. She's in fourth grade. Didn't we play alone outside in parks when we were 9? Without cell phones, even? Home for dinner at dark, that kind of thing? And we think it's better to put this girl in foster care than let her play in a nearby park with a cell phone?

What's really upsetting about this story is that it's happening at the same time as reproductive rights restrictions. So: Don't have an abortion, don't have access to birth control, but once you have that kid, child care? You're on your own.

Wow… my sister and I often played at the local park all day during the summer while my parents worked while growing up. We had a neighbour who we would go to for lunch, band-aids and bathroom breaks, but otherwise we happily played in the sun with all the other kids. It was great, and I have never once felt like my

I like her.

That pun just a-salted me. (I'm SORRY, OK?) Seriously though. My head jerked up and back like I'd been slapped by the sheer force of your wit. Well fucking played.

Is she really that popular, because I've never heard of herbivore.