
Out of curiosity - you disagree with her points 90% of the time, but clearly are of sound enough mind to understand that this kind of insane threatening behavior is unconscionable. What do you disagree with re: her arguments? I think in large part a lot of what she talks about, particularly in her last two videos

The Brits have truly mastered the art of the polite shot in the stupid

Don't fuck with Retta OR Donna Meagle.

But you don't agree with her, because inherent in her statement is the idea that trans women don't actually exist. And you know that is exactly what she believes.

Hello, this is Michelle Duggar, I am best known for a functional set of reproductive organs. I know nothing of what I speak, so let me inform you.

This makes no sense either way. If the real concern is about protecting children, she should ban trans people from her uterus.

douchebag says what ?

HAHAHAHAHA. As an owner of natural J cups, if they're real, they sure as hell don't stay up like that in a strapless dress. I call BS.

Black hair is very versatile and can be shaped into almost limitless conformations. It can be gravity-defying, sleek or puffy. The more I learn, the more creative I become and the more I love it.

Nope, when Benedict and Idris are both cast for the sexy intense voices, we all win.

I have to choose between Benedict and Idris? NOOOOOOOOOOO.........Can I get out of the greys please?

I made it through about 2 minutes. I feel that the last vestiges of my "Freaks and Geeks" based affection for Franco have melted away, and I am free.

Thought Catalog is nothing but a failed humanity experiment, like eugenics or Pauly Shore.

Eleguance. That's a thing.

I hope you don't t walk around using a faux african accident when you cook....that's my issue with Iggy why use a fake accent and (now proven) fake background story to sell? Because she knows as an attractive white woman she can act 'black' profit from being 'black' and still not be Black

I'll bet everything I have that she starts sentences with "I'm not racist..."

Iggy, as one commentator somewhere else on Kinja aptly put (I can't remember your name, wise commentator, I'm sorry) does verbal blackface. Iggy's beats are awesome, but she can't spit. Artists like Angel Haze can actually spit, but get little or no media attention. Iggy has tweeted racist, slut shaming things in the

It's not that it's pop music, it's that it's terrible pop music. I love pop! I love Britney! I also love hip hop! But now it seems like Iggy was hungry enough for fame that the case for her racial insensitivity (or racism?) is stronger. She failed at pop, did rap (and so poorly- Autotune plus vocal fry owwwwe owwww

she is the " jar jar binks " of muzik .