
Don't want child molesters leering at your kids in the locker room? Ban convicted child predators of all genders from using shared public restrooms and locker rooms. Leave transwomen out of it.

It really bums me out that the Victoria's Secret fashion show gets more press than all other fashion shows combined.

That youtube video is a goldmine of truly tragic photoshop. I kinda want to photoshop myself into a human Barbie and see if I can get some press action. Whatup Daily Mail?

says she's never had surgery and doesn't use photoshop

RIP Daniel Desario

There is a big difference between a white person making rap music and a white, Australian person imitating the tone and cadence of a black Southerner. There are plenty of white rappers who make their music without resorting to what another commenter smartly referred to as "verbal blackface". Macklemore, Eminem, and

Haven't been on Jez in awhile and the photo sharing button is gone. How do I share gifs now?

So I guess Kinja doesn't do gifs anymore?


Can you no longer post photos to Kinja? WTF.

Scarlett Johansonn has neither the disposition nor the pipes to play Dolly. I can't stand Miley, but I can't deny I wouldn't be curious to see her don a massive pair of prosthetic Dolly boobs. Where's Miranda Lambert in all this?

Elegance + Eloquence = LAVERNE COX.

Considering the (completely justified) shade that Jez through at Miley's cultural appropriating schtick, I'm really surprised there hasn't been more critiquing of Iggy Azalea on here. When I first saw her/ heard her real voice, I was thoroughly disgusted. I mean, this is a white, Australian woman imitating the voice

T.I. is her ghostwriter. Not his best work.


I wasn't allowed to listen to Eminem as a teen, despite my pleas, because my parents felt that his music portrayed women in a misogynistic way. The same is true of Kim Kardashian and her game. Her fame, as well as products like this game send a message that women are valuable only for their appearance, important only

That finger wagging picture is the perfect embodiment of "imposing a curfew". He looks just like a disapproving dad.

"Fake" by James Franco: